No. 226 (December 2024)

Special Issue on “The Role of Xi (Plays), Qu (Lyrics), Literature, and Culture in Ming Miscellanies” (明代選本中的戲、曲、文學與文化) —PART II

前言 (Introduction)

Special Issue: Articles

“Different” Versions of Kunqu Singing Rules: Comparing Textual Variants in Nanci Yinzheng and Wei Liangfu’s Qulü in Late Ming Qu Anthologies (「另一種」崑曲曲律:《南詞引正》與晚明曲類選本中的魏良輔《曲律》比較)

Late Ming Wanderings through Space and Time: On the “Travel” Volume of the Yuefu Hongshan (晚明的時空漫遊:論《樂府紅珊》中的〈遊賞〉卷)

明代「虞初」系列選集對唐代小說的編選和評議 (Editorial Strategies and the Commentaries on Tang Tales in the Ming Yuchu Anthologies)

論晚明清初江右文士賀貽孫的泛戲曲評述及其意義 (The Significance of Pan-Xiqu Commentaries in the Work of the Late Ming and Early Qing Jiangxi Literatus)


「我們穿得和山神(Yullha)一樣!」:安多熱貢六月會(Lurol)祭祀中的人神關係與服飾意涵 (“Dressing Up as a Mountain God (Yullha)!”: Exploring Human-Deity Relationships and the Symbolic Significance of Clothing at the Lurol Festival in Amdo Rebgong)

Field Report

「內山師公」的儀式傳統:以安溪老君派為探討對象 (Guardians of Tradition: Investigating the Daoist Rituals of Anxi Laojun School)


No. 225 (September 2024)

Special Issue on “The Role of Xi (Plays), Qu (Lyrics), Literature, and Culture in Ming Miscellanies” (明代選本中的戲、曲、文學與文化) —PART

前言 (Introduction)

Special Issue: Articles

Do the Parts Add Up? Textual Systems and Segments of Sijie Ji (Four Seasons) in Ming Anthologies (聚零為整?明代曲選中《四節記》的文本系統與零散文本)

晚明曲類選本「三欄併讀」初探:以《琵琶記》、《三國記》選齣為例 (Exploring the “Triple-Register-Reading Strategy” in Late Ming Qu Anthologies: Selections from Pipa Ji and Sanguo Ji)

晚明曲選《詞珍雅調》的編刻策略與書籍特色 (Editorial Strategies and Book Features of the Late Ming Qu Anthology Cizhen Yadiao)

Linking the World of Performative Texts: The Interplay between Popular Song and Drama in Late Ming Qu Anthologies (鏈接表演文本的世界:晚明曲選中時曲小調與戲曲的互動)

論晚明曲選《怡春錦》之編選理念與時代特色 (Exploring the Editorial Philosophy and Contemporaneity of the Late Ming Qu Anthology Yichun Jin)


傳播偏向視角下民俗文化的傳承力量:以「臨水夫人信仰」為例 (The Inheritance Power of Folklore Culture as Seen from the Perspective of “The Bias of Communication”: A Case Study of the Cult of Lady Linshui)


No. 224 (June 2024)  


明清妙善觀音戲的市場需求與敘事變異 (Market Demand and Narrative Variations of Miaoshan Guanyin Dramas during the Ming and Qing Dynasties)

被搬演的真實:1920年代上海時事戲《槍斃閻瑞生》(Reality on Stage: Executing Yen Ruisheng, a 1920’s Topical Drama in Shanghai)

從祖先到神明:近二十年來一個村落女神的文化建構 (From Ancestor to Deity: The Cultural Construction of a Chinese Village Goddess during the Past Two Decades)

雲林大埤地區的複合式儀式動員網域:反思臺灣民間信仰的圈域研究 (Complex Ritual Networks in Dapi Township, Yunlin County: Reflections on Circle Research in the Study of Taiwanese Popular Religion)

閭山派清壇請神咒講唱敘事研究:以茄萣劉部堂法派心辰壇小法團為例 (Research on Narrative Chanting for Invoking Deities at Lüshan Taoist Altars: A Case Study of the Xiaofatuan Group at the Liu Butang in Qieding (Gaoxiong))

Field Reports

臺南市釋教壇師承系譜與經營現況初探 (A Preliminary Study of the Genealogy and Management of Buddhist Altars and Masters in Tainan City)

文化資產審議新範例:文化部指定國定古蹟的嘉義城隍廟 (A New Paradigm for Reviewing Cultural Assets: The Chiayi City God Temple, a National Monument Designated by the Ministry of Culture)


No. 223 (March 2024)


意曲與早期琴調的音樂性質 (Diaoyi and the Musical Features of Early Qindiao)

清代嘉慶年間以來廣東「粵謳」的流變軌跡:詩文日記、唱詞曲譜與聲音材料的綜合性研究 (The Transformation of Yueou (Cantonese Songs) since the Early Nineteenth Century: An Integrated Approach to Studies of Sung Oral Narratives by Examining Written, Printed, and Audio Materials)

閻王、三姑、白蛇傳:戰後地下黨的「工人政治戲劇」(19491950s(Yan Wang, Sangu, and the White Snake: A History of the “Workers’ Political New Drama” of the Post-War Underground Party (1949–1950s))

異鄉人成神:臺南地區日本人成神的信仰與傳播研究 (Foreign Gods: Research on Legends of Japanese Becoming Gods and Contemporary Popular Religious Beliefs in Tainan)

張東初與廿世紀越南明師道德濟宗的發展:以人物為中心的探討 (Chang Dongchu and the Development of Vietnam’s Tông Đức Tế of Minh Sư Đạo during the Twentieth Century: A Case Study of Proselytizers)

Field Report

臺南關大駕初探:以西羅殿與米街忠澤堂大駕為例 (Kuan tuā in Tainan: A Preliminary Study of the Xiluodian and Rice Street Zhongzetang)


 No. 222 (December 2023)


Special Issue on Popular Beliefs, Religious Texts, and Local Communities in the Sinophone World: In Memory of Professor Daniel L. OvermyerPART II

前言 (Introduction)

Special Issue: Articles

Xucun, a Brief History (許村簡史)

現存安龍謝土儀式資料中所見的普庵信仰探索:以「化九良」為考察線索 (An Exploration of Pu’an Beliefs in the Extant Anlong Xietu (Retaining the Dragons and Thanking Earth) Rituals: A Clue Seen in “Converting Jiuliang”)

「聖地」的塑造:近代青幫組織中的羅教記憶及其空間化 (Shaping the “Holy Land”: Memories of the Luo Sect and its Spatialization in the Development of the Modern Green Gang (Qingbang))

Consuming Rice Cakes, Sailing to Salvation:  The Taiwanese Longhuapai Initiation Festival and the Question of Buddhist Orientations among Zhaijiao (Vegetarian Sects) (吞噬糍粑,駛往救世:關於臺灣龍華派過光場儀式以及齋教之佛教導向問題)

當代冀東南民間教派的儀式專家:以經卷為中心的研究 (. “The Ritual Experts of Contemporary Popular Religious Sects in Southeast Hebei: A Study Centered on Scriptures)

流動的神譜:以山西洪洞五道將軍為個案 (The Fluid Pantheon in Local Religion: A Case Study of the General of the Five Paths in Hongdong, Shanxi Province)

性別與親密:泰山娘娘相關寶卷中的人神關係 (Gender and Intimacy: Deity-Human Relationships in Precious Scrolls about the Lady of Mount Tai)



No. 221 (September 2023)

Special Issue on “Popular Beliefs, Religious Texts, and Local Communities in the Sinophone World: In Memory of Professor Daniel L. Overmyer” (民間信仰、宗教經典與地方社會:紀念歐大年教授)—PART

前言 (Introduction)

Special Issue: Articles

「筆籙」鉤沉:明清扶乩的一個子類型 (Rediscovering the “Brush Register”: A Sub-Type of Spirit-Writing during the Ming and Qing Dynasties)

近代江南鄉紳的扶乩結社與地方社會:以川沙道善壇為中心的考察(1895-1945(Gentry, Spirit-Writing Groups and Local Society in Modern Jiangnan: A Case Study of Daoshan Tan (“Altar of Doing Good”) in Chuansha, Jiangsu (1895–1945))

維新時代的「脫魂術」:近代雲南遊冥類鸞書中的文體、技術和劫運觀 (Ecstatic Journeys for an Era of Renewal: Genres, Techniques and Views of the Kalpa in the Phoenix Books on Touring the Underworld from Modern Yunnan)

《大乘開香作用科文》與《五部六冊》寶卷的流傳 (Dasheng Kaixiang Zuoyong Kewen and the Spread of the Precious Scrolls of the Wubu Liuce)

《通天混海圖》析論 (An Analysis of the Tongtian Hunhai Tu)


「教派化」與「民間信仰化」之間:戰後淡水行忠堂之變遷與新形態 (Between Sectarian Religion and Local Cult: Transformation and New Forms of the Tamsui Xingzhong Tang Phoenix Hall in Postwar Taiwan)


No. 220 (June 2023)

Special Issue on "Modes of Diet, Materialities and Culture " (飲食模式、物性與文化) — Part II

飲食模式、物性與文化:導論 (Modes of Diet, Materialities and Culture: Introduction)

Special Issue: Articles

家屋、火塘與共食:四川嘉絨藏人家屋中的飲食與空間分布模式 (House, Hearth and Communal Meals:The Food and Space Arrangement in Sichuan rGyalrong Tibetan Houses)

打造「經典客家菜」:飲食敘事、族群政策與臺灣客家意象之建構(2000年迄今)(Shaping “Classic Hakka Cuisine”: Food Narratives, Ethnic Policy, and the Construction of Hakka Images in Taiwan since 2000)

從身體實踐到社群認同:花蓮大陳女性的日常生活「食」作 (From Bodily Practices to Community Identity: Daily Food Preparation by Dachen Women in Hualien)

試論「商品、生產及消費的循環」:以「拉麵」發展史為例 (A Preliminary Study of the Mutual Determination of the Cultural Meaning of Commodities, Their Production and Consumption: Ramen in Japan as an Example)


敕水禁壇比較研究:以贛東北上饒地方道教為中心 (Comparative Research on Chishui Jintan: A Focus on Local Taoism in Northeast Jiangxi)

「祠墓合一」的文化景觀:都市化歷程中的新加坡雙龍山五屬義祠之變遷 (The Cultural Landscape of “Integration of Cemetery and Ancestral Hall” of Hakka Immigrants in Singapore: A Case Study of Ying Fo Fui Kun Ancestral Temple in Urbanization Processes)


No. 219 (March 2023)

Special Issue on "Modes of Diet, Materialities and Culture " (飲食模式、物性與文化) — Part 

飲食模式、物性與文化:導論 (Modes of Diet, Materialities and Culture: Introduction)

Special Issue: Articles

可食與不可食的分類建構:以荖葉飲食與食安為例 (Constructing Classifications of Edible and Inedible: An Example Featuring Piper betle Diet and Food Safety)

刺激與調和:初探日本飲食中的「辣」(Harmonized and Stimulated: Karami in Modern Japanese Food Culture)

涼茶在民間:香港涼茶的傳承與發展 (Herbal Tea as Communal Knowledge: Inheritance and Development of Herbal Tea in Hong Kong)

消失又重現於生活中的毛蟹:溪流、人與水生生物的互動關係 (The Disappearance and Reappearance of the Mitten Crab in Daily Life: Interactions between Rivers, Humans, and Aquatic Animals)

近代臺灣柴魚的生產與消費:以臺東為核心 (The Production and Consumption of Bonito in Modern Taiwan: An Investigation of the Taitung Area)


權下的聖道:日治後期中部地區的鸞堂網絡與時代適應──以《皇民奉公經附孝經》為中心 (Confucianism under the Heavenly Sovereign’s Power: Phoenix Hall Networks and Adaptations in Central Taiwan during the Late Japanese Colonial Era—Centering on The Classics of Komin Hokokai and Filial Piety)



No. 218, December 2022

Special Issue on "From Cities and Countries to the World: Aesthetic Collisions, Cultures, and Politics in Theatre Festivals" (從城鎮、國家到世界:戲戲節的美學碰撞與文化政治)

前言 (Introduction)

Special Issue: Articles

藝術節在民間:以「亞洲廣場」藝術節與趙川「草台班」為討論核心 (Art Festivals in Folk Worlds: A Discussion Centering on the Asia Madang Arts Festival and Zhao Chuan’s Grass Stage)

《層中隙》滲透臺南藝術節城市舞臺的文化治理與空間政治 (The Infiltration of Mellemrum Tainan into Cultural Governance and Politics of Space in the City Stage Tainan Arts Festival)

歌仔戲現代劇場化的全面演練:試探幾種藝術節機制與場域對新編歌仔戲的影響 (A Comprehensive Drill of Traditional Taiwanese Opera in Modern Theatre: Probing into the Effects on Its Original Creations from the Field and Mechanism of Several Theatre Festivals)

Research Papers

消逝、轉化與再生產:以日本鹿兒島南薩摩林家媽祖信仰文化為例 (Fadeaway, Transformation, and Reproduction: A Case Study of Mazu Belief Culture in South Satsuma, Kagoshima, Japan)

「家將坐炮」魅力的轉向:以八家將團嘉義振祐堂為例 (Shifts in the Attractiveness of Jiajiang Confronting Firecrackers: A Case Study of the Chiayi Zhenyou Troupe)


No. 217, September 2022

Special Issue on "Personhood, History and Clothes" (人觀、歷史與服飾) — Part II

人觀、歷史與服飾:導論 (Personhood, History and Clothes: Introduction)

Special Issue: Article

織織不倦:烏來泰雅族服的經緯之間 (Between Warp and Woof: The Invention of Ethnic Costume of Ulay Atayal)

Special Issue: Research Note

臺灣刺繡神明衣之流變與人觀 (The Evolution and Personhood of Embroidered Deity’s Clothing in Taiwan)

Special Issue: Field Report

排灣族平織技藝民族誌:以平和 (Piyuma) 部落及古樓 (Kuljaljau) 部落為中心 (Ethnography of Paiwan Plain Weaving with a Special Emphasis on That of the Piyuma and the Kuljaljau Tribes)


陞壇轉經:道教誦經儀式的形成與發展 (Ascending the Altar to Chant the Scriptures: The Formation and Development of Daoist Scripture Reaction Rituals)

先天道在越南的傳承與發展:以明師道南雅堂的文獻為考察核心 (The Continuance and Development of Xiantiandao in Vietnam: Focusing on the Literatures of Minh Sư Đạo of Nam Nha Temple in Cần Thơ)


No. 216, June 2022

Special Issue on "Personhood, History and Clothes" (人觀、歷史與服飾) — Part 

人觀、歷史與服飾:導論 (Personhood, History and Clothes: Introduction)

Special Issue: Articles

從二十世紀初舊照片中的服飾來談三個四川西北嘉絨貴族家庭的服飾 (A Study of Three rGyalrong Noble Families’ Clothing in Northwest Sichuan as Seen in Nine Early 20th-century Photos)

《快雪時晴》戲曲服裝設計之符號隱喻及詮釋 (Symbolic Metaphor and Interpretation of Costume Design in Sunlight after Snowfall)

Special Issue: Research Note

晚清戲曲團花圖案的使用與特殊性 (Application and Uniqueness: Embroidered Roundels with Theatrical Figures in Late Qing Garments)


馬來西亞職業歌仔戲戲班在困境中的經營策略與劇種形塑:從「新麒麟」到「筱麒麟」 (Professional Malaysian Gezaixi Troupes’ Management Strategy and Genre Formulation in Times of Trouble: From Xin Kî-lîn to Sió Kî-lîn)

Research Note

上海報刊中的寧波崑班演出紀錄查考 (18981915) (An Inquiry into the Records of Ningbo Kunqu Troupes’ Performances in Shanghai Newspapers (1898–1915))



No. 215 (March 2022)

Research Papers 

南朝吳興項羽信仰的神蹟文本製作與國家地方之互動 (The Hagiography Production of Xiang Yu’s Cult in Wuxing and the Interaction between State and Local Society in the Southern Dynasties)

明清二形人的情慾困境與宗教解脫 (Erotic Dilemma and Religious Salvation of Erxing Ren in the Ming and Qing Dynasties)

往生歷程中音聲與影像感知之動態建構與破除:以諾那華藏精舍的中陰共修法會為例 (Dynamically Constructing and Destroying the Perception of Sounds and Images in the Process of Departing: The Case Study of the Intermediate-State Ritual of Nona Hwatsang Center)

民歌採集運動之餘韻:從1967年中國民歌比賽與全省客家民謠比賽談起 (A Study on the Lingering Impact of Folk Song Documentation Movement in 1967)



No. 214, December 2021

Special Issue on "Hakka Religious Culture" (客家宗教文化)



臺中東勢客家釋教的齋醮傳承:以龍華佛教會瑞德壇為核心 (The Transmission of Hakka Buddhist Rituals in Taichung’s Dongshi District: A Case Study Centering on the Ruide Altar of the Longhua Buddhist Association)

信仰與族群關係:以馬來西亞仙四師爺信仰為例 (Religion and Ethnic Relations: The Cult of Sin Si Sze Ya in Malaysia)

當信仰超越族群:1907年吉隆坡仙四師爺宮廟產訴訟案與當地華人權力結構的轉變 (When Religion Transcends Ethnicity: A Temple Property Dispute and the Transformation of Overseas Chinese Power Structures in Kuala Lumpur)

清代以來浙南石倉客家移民聚落的象徵世界 (The Symbolic World of Hakka Migrant Communities in Shicang [Southern Zhejiang] since the Qing Dynasty)



No. 213, September 2021

Research Papers 

界域的文化動能:冷戰前期仰光唐人街的電影跨國網絡及其影響 (Cultural Agency of the Borderlands: Transnational Cinematic Networks and Their Impacts on Rangoon Chinatown’s Early Cold War)

聲響技術的跨域交纏:臺灣國語流行音樂錄音室研究初探 (The Trans-Regional Entanglement of Sound and Technology: A Preliminary Study on the Recording Studios of Mandarin Popular Music in Taiwan)

道德與秩序:當代泰國一貫道教團發展的教外張力與教內分歧 (Morality and Order: The External Tension and Inner Discrepancy of Yiguan Dao’s Development in Contemporary Thailand)

Field Reports

臺灣歌仔冊編寫人「歌仔先」梁松林、蔡碖事蹟的考索與調查 (A Biographical Study of Two Taiwanese Kua-á Lyricists Liang Songlin and Cai Lun)

江蘇常熟師娘現象的調查報告 (A Survey of the Shiniang Phenomenon in Changshu, Jiangsu)



No. 212, June 2021

Research Papers 

甲必丹制度的現代變奏:以柔佛古廟遊神為個案 (The Modern Variation of the Kapitan System: A Case Study of the Johor Bahru Old Chinese Temple’s Annual Chingay Parade)

Affiliating to a Communal Temple via the Statue of a Deity: Firecracker Societies in Macau, 1900-1966 (以一個神像依附社區寺廟:澳門炮會,1900-1966)

瓊州火雷聖娘信仰探源 (A Study on the Goddess of Fire and Thunder in Kheng-chew)

文化資產與國族想像:臺南府城日治時期古蹟詮釋中的時空再現 (Cultural Heritage and National Imaginings: Time and Space in the Interpretation of Monuments from Japanese Era in Tainan)



No. 211, March 2021

Special Issue on "Making Culture" (製作文化) — Part II

製作文化:導論 (Making Culture: Introduction)

無形文化資產的再生產:以嘉義城隍廟九大柱中元普度為例 (The Reproduction of Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of the Nine Pillars’ Chungyuan Festival Rituals at City God Temple in Chiayi)

無形文化遺產的永續發展:臺灣客家八音的生態變遷與樂人、制度調節者、機構主事者的遺產化適應 (The Sustainability of Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Changing Ecology of Taiwan Hakka Bayin, and the Adaptation of Musicians, Scholars, and Government Officials to Heritagization)

誰的「常民」?臺灣竹工藝文化資產的成形及其課題 (Whose “Folk”? On the Formation and Related Issues of Taiwan’s Bamboo Cultural Heritage)

Research Paper

越南民間教派「四恩孝義」經典的產生 (The Production of Scriptures in Vietnamese Sect Tứ Ân Hiếu Nghĩa)



No. 210, December 2020

Special Issue on "Making Culture" (製作文化) — Part 

製作文化:導論 (Making Culture: Introduction)

祭儀地景的多重記憶與環境偏移:南勢阿美族里漏部落船祭活動變遷與文化製作 (Environmental Shift and Multi-Memories of Ritual Landscape: Making Culture through the Transformation of the Lidaw Tribe’s Boat Ritual)

走上回家的山徑,讓石板家屋升起煙來:由一趟臺東布農社群「尋根之旅」思考「文化資產」的認同與實踐 (Bunun’s Homecoming: Rethinking Ethnic Identity and the Practice of Cultural Heritage in the “Return to Hahaul Action”)

土氣、洋氣還是接地氣?重新「觀看」時尚伸展臺上的民族服裝與族群服飾 (Rustic, Fancy, or Authentic? A New Perspective on the Minority and Ethnic Clothing on the Fashion Show Runway)

都蘭阿美人的文化再生產:以護衛舞的傘與矛為例 (Umbrella or Spear? A Case Study on the Cultural Reproduction in Kulakul (Warrior Dance) of ‘Atolan Amis)

Research Paper

【玉連環】五箏譜之演奏及其文本間性探析 (Yulianhuan, Performance and Intertextuality among the Five Zheng Score Versions)



No. 209, September 2020

Special Issue on "The Reconstruction of the Theatrical Tradition in the Contemporary Context" (戲曲的傳統再造與當代性)

前言 (Introduction)

《王魁負桂英》的當代映象:以京劇、豫劇、歌仔戲編演為例 (Contemporary Images of Wang Kuei’s Betrayal of Kuiying: Case Studies of Peking Opera, Taiwan Bangzi Opera, and Kua-a Opera)

九〇年代以來歌仔戲「正典化」的美學現象 (The Aesthetics of Canonization in Traditional Taiwanese Opera since 1990s)

電視歌仔戲「新調創作」的傳統、承襲與轉化:以劉文亮作品《天龍傳奇》為例 (Tradition, Convention and Transformation of TV Gezixi: A Case Study of Dragon Legend by Liu Wenliang)

崑劇與日本傳統戲曲的當代跨劇種展演:以1998年至2018年的日本演出為例 (Contemporary Cross-Genre Performance of Kun Opera and Traditional Japanese Opera in 1998–2018)

論新編佛教崑劇《未生怨》的阿闍世題材和寺院演出意義 (On the Buddhist Kunqu Opera Innate Resentment: Its Subject of Ajase and the Significance of Temple Performances)

Research Paper

織藝與織憶:花蓮縣卓溪鄉賽德克族Duta群編織技藝與記憶的日常實踐 (Weaving Skill and Weaving Memory: The Practice of Everyday Life on Weaving Skill and Memory for Duda People in Sanli Village, Zhuoxi Township, Hualian County)



No. 208, June 2020
Research Papers 
臺閩地區王爺信仰儀式中的王府行儀初探 (A Preliminary Study of the Ritual Practice of the Lord’s Mansion in the Cult of Epidemic Lords in Taiwan and Fujian)
廟會、文本與傳說:近代江南的蠶花神信仰 (Temple Fairs, Texts and Legends: The Cult of the Silk Flower God in Modern Jiangnan)
藏族古樂 Shon 的歷史圖景與當代傳存:基於西藏阿裡地區「古格宣」的人類學考察 (History and Modern Transition of the Classical Tibetan Ritual Shon: An Anthropological Investigation of Guge Shon in mNga’ ris Highland, Tibet)
Research Note
福建佛教音樂「禪和曲」、「福州調」、「本地調」之意涵及其關係研究 (The Chanhe Tune, Fuzhou Tune, and Local Tune in the Buddhist Music in Fujian, and Their Connotations and Relationships)

No. 207, March 2020
Special Issue on "The Narrative and Transmission of Folk Prints" (民俗版畫的敘事與傳播)
前言 (Introduction)
楊柳青民俗版畫中的財富母題意義與轉換 (Implications of the Shift of Wealth Motives in Yangliuqing Woodblock Prints)
論白蛇戲曲年畫未見於今傳明清傳奇的「劇情」(On the “Unknown Plot” of the White Snake Legend in the Woodblock Prints of Theater Scenes)
清代北方版畫貿易網絡 (The Trade Network of Woodblock Prints in Northern China during the Qing Dynasty)
「照廈門原本改良」:博德利圖書館藏閩南歌仔冊封面圖象及其出版網絡 (Revisions of Original Copies from Xiamen: The Cover Images and Publication Network of Minnan Songbooks in the Bodleian Library)
Research Notes
紙馬製作技藝及使用習俗的傳承分析 (An Analysis of the Inheritance of Zhima Craftsmanship and Conventions)
俄羅斯漢學家阿理克1912年赴華收集的民間宗教文書及圖象 (Materials on Popular Religion Collected by the Russian Sinologist Vasiliy Alekseev during His Expedition to the Southern China in 1912)

No. 206, December 2019
Special Issue on "The Emergence of a Temple-Centric Society" (以廟宇為中心之社會的形成專輯) — Part II
Introduction (前言)
宋代以來山東的神親結構與地方社會變遷 (The Structure of God Kinship (Shenqin) and the Transformation of Local Society in Shandong since the Song Dynasty)
經久不衰的「輪祀圈」:閩西山區的一種神明崇拜模式 (An Ever Vital “Sacrificial Network”: A Pattern of God Worship in the Mountain Area in Minxi)
Baojuan (Precious Scrolls) and Festivals in the Temples of Local Gods in Changshu, Jiangsu (江蘇省常熟市寶卷與地方神廟的廟會)
Research Paper
《董永賣身葬父大孝全集》「上黨本」的發現、整理與研究 (Discovery and Study of the Shangdang Manuscript of The Complete Works of Dong Yong Sell Himself to Bury His Father)

No. 205, September 2019
Special Issue on "The Emergence of a Temple-Centric Society" (以廟宇為中心之社會的形成專輯) — Part I
Introduction (前言)
The Emergence of a Temple-Centric Society (以廟宇為中心之社會的形成)
The Rise of a "Temple-Centric" Society in Putian in the Song and Later Transformations of the Ritual Sphere (以社廟為中心: 宋代莆田社會儀式空間與後期的演變)
The Rise of Northern Chinese Regional Temple Cults: A Case Study of the Worship of King Tang (中國北方區域廟宇信仰的興起: 湯王信仰的個案分析)
Research Paper
隱形的無生老母: 新加坡先天道宗教網絡與變遷 (The Invisible Eternal Mother: Xiantiandao’s Changing Religious Networks in Singapore)
Research Note
霹靂日系布袋戲:《Thunderbolt Fantasy東離劍遊紀》的演藝特質 (The Japanese Style Puppetry of Pili: The Characteristics of the Performing Arts of Thunderbolt Fantasy: Dongli Jianyou Ji)

No. 204, June 2019
Special Issue on "Local Religion in Jiangnan" (江南地方宗教)
Introduction (前言)
宋元以來王江涇的商業、移民與地方信仰 (Commerce, Migration and Local Beliefs in Wangjiangjing District [Northern Zhejiang] since the Song and Yuan Dynasties)
宋元以來江蘇常熟真武崇拜考 (The Zhenwu Cult in Changshu (Jiangsu) since the Song and Yuan Dynasties)
潘曾沂的信仰與生活世界:兼論清中葉江南的居士佛教 (The Religious and Living Worlds of the Jiangnan Philanthropist Pan Zengyi, with Further References to Lay Buddhism during the Mid-Qing)
船與岸:東太湖流域民間信仰中的兩種傳統 (Boatmen and Land-based Residents: Two Popular Religious Traditions in the Eastern Lake Tai Basin)
Field Report
張家港地區薦亡法會儀式與宣卷調查報告 (Field Research on Buddhist Mortuary Rituals and Precious Scroll Recitation in Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu)

No. 203, March 2019
Special Issue on "Traditional and World Music in School Education" (學校教育中的傳統音樂和世界音樂)
學校教育中的傳統音樂和世界音樂:導言 (Traditional and World Music in School Education: An Introduction)
A Drum, a Gong, and a Lion: Three Decades of Culturally Diverse Music Education in International and Canadian Schools (鼓、鑼及獅子:三十年來在國際學校及加拿大學校的多元文化音樂教育)
Traditional Music and World Music in Japanese School Education (日本學校教育中的傳統音樂及世界音樂)
高等教育體制下的北管傳習:以國立臺北藝術大學傳統音樂學系北管教學實踐為例 (The Transmission of Beiguan in Higher Education in Taiwan: A Case Study of the Teaching of Beiguan in the Department of Traditional Music of Taipei National University of the Arts)
Research Paper
結「結」與「解」結:鹿港「送肉粽」儀式的探討 (Knotting and Untying “Knots”: Preliminary Considerations on the “Sending off Meat Dumplings” Ritual in Lukang, Taiwan)

No. 202, December 2018
Research Papers 
金堂家鄉、玄關自性與歸鄉之道:齋教金堂派的教名、教旨及修持方法考探 (Golden Hometown, Xuanguan Essence and the Way of Returning to the Original Source: An Exploration of the Name, Teachings and Practice Methods of the Jintang Sect of Zhaijiao)
庶民美學的傳遞、轉化與創造:新加坡職業歌仔戲講戲人陳美英的「臺數」編劇 (The Transmission, Transformation and Innovation of Commoners’ Aesthetics: On the Scripts of a Professional Play Narrator in Singapore, Chen Meiying)
「南麒北馬」商業競爭之表演藝術策略:以京劇鼎盛期(1917-1938)為例 (Southern Qi and Northern Ma, a Case Study of Commercial Competition as a Strategy of Theatrical Performance in the Golden Period of Peking Opera, 1917-1938)
Field Report
海外覓鄉音:檳城福建歌謠調查及其在地記憶 (In Search of Hometown Accent Abroad: Investigation of Hokkien Ballads and Their Local Memory in Penang)

No. 201, September 2018
Special Issue on "Ritual, Festival and Socio-Cultural Practices of Asia-Pacific Society" (亞太儀式、節慶與社會文化實踐)— Part II
亞太儀式、節慶與其社會文化實踐:導言 (Ritual, Festival and Socio-Cultural Practices of Asia-Pacific Society: Introduction)
民俗、藝能與文化資產:沖繩竹富島的當代儀式實踐 (Folklore, Performing Arts and Cultural Heritage: Contemporary Ritual Practices of Taketomi Island in Okinawa)
香港潮僑盂蘭勝會的「申遺」與潮屬社群的重建 (The Designation of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Yulan Ghost Festival and the Re-construction of Ethnic Chaozhou Communities in Hong Kong)
神在此間:浙江鄉村醮儀召請科儀本中的空間觀念折衝 (Deities Reside Within: Negotiation of the Spatial Concept in the Summon Ritual Script of the Rural Jiao in South Zhejiang)
Research Note
從《台灣鄉土交響曲》論許石民歌採集與音樂記錄脈絡 (A Study of the Folk Song Collection and the Context of the Musical Records of Hsu Shih, Being Based upon His Work Symphonic Folk Songs of Taiwan)

No. 200, June 2018
Special Issue on "Ritual, Festival and Socio-Cultural Practices of Asia-Pacific Society" (亞太儀式、節慶與社會文化實踐)— Part
亞太儀式、節慶與社會文化實踐:導論 (Ritual, Festival and Socio-Cultural Practices of Asia-Pacific Society: Introduction)
是傳統還是創新?儀式、性別階序與規範實踐之間的阿美族都蘭婦女組militepuray (“Tradition” or “Creation”? Women’s Organization Militepuray in Between the Practices of ‘Atolan Amis Rituals and Norms of Gender Hierarchy)
聖母意象與無形文化遺產:以都會阿美族「愛的饗宴」和「慶祝聖母升天節」祭典活動為例的分析 (The Image of Mother Mary and Intangible Heritage: An Analysis Based on Studies of Such Ritual Activities as “Love Feast” and “Assumption of the Blessed Mother Mary” Celebrated by the Urban Amis)
文化遺產的束縛或護衛?以阿米斯音樂節的文化實踐與創造能動性為例 (Safeguarding or Restraining Cultural Heritage? Cultural Practice and Agency of Creativity in the Amis Music Festival)
Field Report
蘇州上方山太姥信仰及儀式文藝的調查報告 (A Survey of Taimu Cult and Ritual Art in Shangfang Mountain, Suzhou)

No. 199, March 2018
Special Issue on "City Space, Material Culture and Theatrical Development" (都市空間、物質文化與戲劇發展)
前言 (Preface)
奇術縱橫三十年:第一代松旭齋天勝與天勝一座在臺灣的演出 (Thirty Years of Spectacular Magic: Performances of the First-Generation Shōkyokusai Tenkatsu and Tenkatsu Vaudevillian Magic Troupe in Taiwan)
商業機制區隔策略:臺灣布袋戲商業劇場1946-1960 (Mechanism and Distinction: Taiwan’s Commercial Puppet Theatre, 1946-1960)
晚清上海演劇文化對北方戲曲生態的影響:以王鐘聲在天津的演出活動軌跡為例 (The Late Qing Shanghai-Style Opera Culture and Its Influences on the Environments of Northern Opera: A Case Study of Wang Zhongsheng's Theatre in Tianjin)
香港戲曲史上的商業戲園 (1865-1910) (Commercial Opera Theatres of Hong Kong [1865-1910]: Preliminary Observations from Social History)
香港摩登:五十年代都巿發展與香港粵劇發展脈絡 (A Modern City: The Urban Development of Hong Kong and the Local Cantonese Opera Productions in the 1950s)
Research Paper
潛跡與明蹤:清中葉《雷峰塔》傳奇演變新論 (The Underlain Footprints and Revealed Route: A Re-examination on the Development of Thunder Peak Pagoda in Mid-Qing)

No. 198, December 2017
Research Papers 
目連救母、妙善救父、哪吒大戰李靖︰父系社會中兒子與女兒的主體性建構 (Mulian Saves His Mother, Miaoshan Saves Her Father, Nezha Battles with Li Jing: The Processes of Subjectification of Sons and Daughters in Chinese Society)
混雜與交融的「傳統」想像:馬來西亞在地職業戲班「麒麟」閩劇團歌仔戲劇目及演出觀察 (The Intertwined and Integrated Imaginations of “Tradition”: Some Observations on the Repertoire and Performance of Kî-lîn [麒麟] Professional Hoklo [Min] Opera Troupe in Malaysia)
南北交加・東西交響:日治時期北港音樂子弟團的分類與發展 (Polyphonic Melodies: The Classification and Development of Beigang Amateur Musical Troupes during the Japanese Colonial Era)
遺址時空劇場:西安、羅馬遺址再現的比較研究 (Heritage as Spatial-Temporal Theatre: Comparative Research on the Representation of Historic Ruins in Rome and Xi’an)
Research Note
常民節氣觀 (Commoner’s Philosophy of Jieqi, the 24 Solar Terms)
「日光歌劇團」演藝現象述論 (On the Performance Phenomena of Riguang Opera Troupe)

No. 197, September 2017
Special Issue on "Perspectives of Historical Demography in Taiwan Folklore: In Memory of Professor Arthur P. Wolf" (歷史人口視界下的臺灣民俗研究紀念武雅士教授)
前言 (Preface)
Interview of Professor Arthur P. Wolf (1932-2015) on Stanford’s Human Biology Program (武雅士教授2013年訪談錄)
The Prevalence of Smallpox and the Spread of Vaccination in Late Nineteenth Century Taiwan, Evidence from the Household Registers (日治時期戶口資料顯現的臺灣天花盛行與疫苗普及)
日治時期新竹客家街庄招贅婚生子女從姓現象的分析 (The Patterns of Uxorilocal Marriage Couples Surnaming Their Children in the Hakka Settlements in Colonial Taiwan)
當纏足遇上天然足:族群融合與社會壓力 (When Bound Feet Encounter Natural Feet: Ethnic Assimilation and Social Pressure)
閩客通婚與家戶社經地位關係之研究 (1905-1945):以福爾摩沙歷史職業與社會分層資料庫分析 (The Relationship between Household Economic Status and Ethnic Intermarriage, 1905-1945: Formosa Historical International Standard Classification of Occupations Database [Formosa HISCO])
從墓碑來看「土著化」現象:清代以來臺灣社會祖籍認同的變化 (Examining the Changing of Ancestral Homeland Identity in Taiwan through Tombstones)

No. 196, June 2017
Special Issue on "Traditional Performing Arts as Intangible Cultural Heritage" (無形文化遺產與傳統表演藝術)
無形文化遺產與傳統表演藝術:導言 (Traditional Performing Arts as Intangible Cultural Heritage: Introduction)
法制化體系的保障或切割?以都蘭阿美人的歌舞實踐為例談無形文化遺產法制化體系與原住民族文化主體性的展現 (Protection or Excision? Legal System of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Representation of Indigenous Cultural Identity, a Case Study on the Songs and Dances of ‘Atolan Amis)
政府支持與國家認證的民俗節慶新傳統:「金門迎城隍」的重要民俗之路 (Government Support and Authentication: The New Tradition of City God Folk Festival in Jinmen)
中國非物質文化遺產政策下廣西壯族「末倫」(moedlaenz)舞臺化展演的探討與反思 (Discussion and Reflection on Zhuang Staged Moedlaenz Performance in Guangxi under Policies regarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in China)
Research Paper
陶瓷史上的金屬襯片修補術:從一件以鐵片修補的排灣族古陶壺談起 (Metal Plate-Based Repairs in the History of Ceramics: Remark on an Ancient Paiwan Pottery Vessel Repaired with an Iron Plate)
Research Note
1920-30年代臺灣民宅彩繪中的當代圖像 (Modern Images of Paintings in Residential Buildings from 1920 to1930 in Taiwan)

No. 195, March 2017
Special Issue on "Religion and the Development of Modern Chinese Culture" (宗教與華人近代文化變遷)
Introduction (前言)
戲劇、宗教儀式與文化傳統:以近代廣西北部「三王」信仰為中心 (Operas, Rituals and Cultural Traditions: The Cult of the “Three Kings” in Modern Guangxi)
山西、河北等地崔府君信仰的當代復興 (The Revival of the Cult of Cui Fujun in Shanxi and Hebei)
清末噶瑪蘭基督徒與漢番社會網絡 (Social Networks between Han Chinese and Plains Aborigine Christians in Kavalan (Yilan) during the Late Qing)
自會黨盟誓到就職宣誓︰近代華人立誓文化的一個側面 (From Secret Society Covenant to Oath of Office: An Aspect of Modern Chinese Oath Culture)

權力、想像與再現:照相對近代中國宗教團體產生的影響 (Power, Imagination and Representation: The Impact of Photography on Modern Chinese Religious Groups)

No. 194, December 2016
Research Papers 
1960年代「牡丹桂閩劇團」新加坡演出印記 (Mu Dan Gui Min Theater Troupe’s Performances in Singapore in the 1960s)
閩客潮箏曲《出水蓮》的地緣背景及演奏流變:以張學海、饒寧新、林毛根三個演奏版本為例 (The Geo-relational Background and Performance Variations of the Piece “Lotus” in Minnan, Hakka, and Chaozhou Zheng Music: On the Three Versions of Zhang Xuehai, Rao Ningxin, and Lin Maogen)
道教的「受生填還」儀式:以四川《廣成儀制》為中心的考察 (Pay-back (Shousheng Tianhuan): A Taoist Ritual and a Case Study of the Guangcheng Yizhi Tradition)
Research Note
臺灣客家研究中的東南亞視野 (A General Review of the Development of Southeast Asian Hakka Studies in Taiwan)

No. 193, September 2016
Special Issue on "Intangible Cultural Heritage and Local Societies" (無形文化遺產與地方社會)— Part II
無形文化遺產與地方社會:導言 (Intangible Cultural Heritage and Local Societies: Introduction)
跨文化表演的研究途徑:臺灣一場緬甸音樂表演的互為主體與多點民族誌研究 (Approaches to Understanding Intercultural Performances: Intersubjectivity and Multi-sited Ethnographic Research on a Taiwan’s Burmese Music Performance)
卡那卡那富祭儀與族群共同體之重構 (Kanakanavu Rituals and the Reconstruction of Ethnic Community)
全球重要農業遺產系統的主體性與真實性建構:臺東池上水圳耕作區與花蓮壽豐河川地種植的案例分析 (Constructing Subjectivity and Authenticity of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Exemplified by Chishang Canal Cultivation Areas and Shoufeng Riverbed Farming)
「民俗及有關文物」登錄指定與地方實踐:以「雲林六房媽過爐」為例 (Recognition, Designation, and Local Practice of “Folk Custom and Related Cultural Artifacts”: An Example of “Yunlin Liu Fang Ma Guolu”)

No. 192, June 2016
Special Issue on "Intangible Cultural Heritage and Local Societies" (無形文化遺產與地方社會)— Part
無形文化遺產與地方社會:導言 (Intangible Cultural Heritage and Local Societies: Introduction)
傳承的挑戰:排灣古樓巫師傳統的衰微與復振 (The Challenge of Succession: Decline and Revitalization of Shamanic Traditions in Paiwan Kulalao Village)
遺產化過程中的媽祖進香:儀式變遷與地方賦權的考察 (Examining a Mazu Pilgrimage in the Heritagization Process: Changes in Ritual Practices and the Empowerment of a Local Community)
花樣本:貴州苗族刺繡技藝傳承與地方社會 (Embroidered Images: Women’s Inheritance of Embroidery Techniques and Local Miao Communities in Guizhou Province)
達邦社戰祭歌謠作為口傳音樂文化遺產的研究 (The Study of Tapang Mayasvi Ritual Music as Oral Cultural Heritage)

No. 191, March 2016
Special Issue on "Fluidity and Innovation: A Study of the Cross-Border Transmission of Chinese Drama" (流動與創新:戲曲的域外傳播研究)
前言 (Preface)
從演出劇目看新加坡在地職業劇團對臺灣歌仔戲的接受和創發──以「新賽鳳」為例 (A Performance Repertoire-Based Investigation of Innovation in Taiwanese Folk Opera by Professional Troupes in Singapore, with Sin Sai Hong as a Case Study)
潮州外江戲的傳播組織:新加坡餘娛儒樂社 (The Media of Chaozhou Wai-jiang Opera: Er Woo Amateur Musical and Dramatic Association, Singapore)
中國戲曲在俄羅斯傳播和影響(1788-1990) (The Spread and Influence of Chinese Musical Drama in Russia [1788-1990])
Research Paper
臺灣「觀音佛祖」的身世與崇拜圖式的成立:從艋舺龍山寺談起 (On the Origin and Pattern of Cult of Guanyin Buddha in Taiwan: A Case Study of Monga Longshan Temple)
Research Note
「王」的禁忌與熱門:Sipsong Panna王國的觀光再生 (When a Taboo Becomes Hot Issue: On the Re-birth of Kingdom of Sipsong Panna under Touristic Situation)

No. 190, December 2015
Research Papers 
藝術商業政治紀錄論「戲曲電影」及其對黃梅調電影的影響 (Art, Commerce, Politics, and Documentation: On the Xiqu Opera Movies and Its Influences on the Huangmeidiao Opera Movies)
越南寶山奇香教派及其傳衍――以「四恩孝義」為探討核心 (The Sect and Lineage of Buu Son Ki Huong in Vietnam: A Discussion Centered on Tu An Hieu Nghia)
善人善書善念――陳江山及其《精神錄》的版本流傳與思想探源 (Philanthropist, Morality Books, and Benevolent Thought: An Analysis of the Editions, Circulation, and Philosophical Thinking of Chen Jiangshan’s Jingshen lu)
Research Note
國立中山大學「風俗物品陳列室」舊藏閩南語歌仔冊述論 (Studies on the Minnan Gezi Booklets Collection in Folklore Artifacts Exhibition Room of Sun Yat-sen University)

No. 189, September 2015 
Special Issue on "The Transmission, Translation, and Transformation of Chinese Drama" (中國戲劇的傳譯與改編)
前言 (Preface)
文本詮釋與文化翻譯:元雜劇《老生兒》及其域外傳播 (Textual Interpretation and Cultural Translation: Yuan Drama Lao Sheng Er and Its Transmission to England)
中國「喜劇」《㑳梅香》在法國的傳譯與改編 (Tchao-meï-hiang: Translation, Adaptation, and Reception of a Chinese Comedy in France)
李漁與江戶文藝:論笠亭仙果的《清談常磐色香》及《美目与利草紙》(Li Yu and Edo Literature: With a Focus on Ryutei Senka’s Seidan Tokiwa No Iroka and Mimeyori Zōshi)
演員劇場的消解與重解:從魏海敏的表演藝術探究戲曲的「當代性」(The Decline and Re-interpretation of Performer-Oriented Theater: Remarks on the Contemporaneity of Theater from Wei Haimin’s Art of Performance)
Research Note
湘西仙娘調查訪談錄 (Spirit Mediums in Western Hunan: An Ethnographic Report)

No. 188, June 2015 
Special Issue on "The Religious Cultures of Southwest China" (中國西南宗教文化) — Part II
從廣西西南三縣農曆七月壯族燒衣 (pyau ei) 儀式論壯族本土宗教儀式專家的傳承 (Burning Paper Clothes Rites and Transmission Patterns of Zhuang Ritual Specialists in Southwest Guangxi)
貴州施洞苗族的儀式專家與歷史(Ritual Specialists and History in Shidong Miao Society, Guizhou Province)
湖南省藍山縣過山瑤的還家願儀禮與盤王傳承及其歌唱 (On the Recitation of Pan Wang Songs during “Huanjiayuan” Initiation Rites among the Guoshan Yao of Lanshan, Hunan Province)
Research Paper
民間信仰的地域傳播與人文分化:以明清以降寧國府的汪華、張渤信仰為中心 (Geographical Dissemination and Humanity Division: On the Cults of Wang Hua and Zhang Bo of Ningguo Prefecture in Ming and Qing)

No. 187, March 2015 
Special Issue on "The Religious Cultures of Southwest China" (中國西南宗教文化) — Part I
神明,祖先,儀式專家:明以降梅山「家主」與「地主」信仰 (Deity, Ancestor, and Ritual Specialist: Cults to the Lord of the House and the Lord of the Land in the Meishan Area from the Ming Dynasty)
神靈、龍王與官祀:以雲南大理龍關社會為核心的討論 (Spirits, Dragon Kings and State Cult: An Examination of Religion and Local Society in Dali, Yunnan)
Religion as a Civilizing Process? Rethinking Yao Religious Culture and Ritual Manuscrip)
Research Paper
做醮與地方社會:以埔里兩次醮儀為例 (Jiao and the Local Society: Case Studies on Two Jiao Rituals in Puli)

No. 186, December 2014
Special Issue on "Cultural Heritage and Memories" (文化遺產與記憶) — Part II
文化遺產與記憶:導言 (Cultural Heritage and Memories: Introduction)
文化遺產的脈絡、記憶與詮釋:以萬山岩雕為例 (The Context, Memory, and Interpretation of Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of Wansan Stone Carvings)
信仰、記憶與建構:談六房媽過爐 (Belief, Memory, and Construction: On the Guolu Ritual of Liufangma)
臺灣媽祖廟現存「御匾」研究:兼論其所反映的集體記憶與政治神話 (Qing Imperial Plaques Kept in the Mazu Temples in Taiwan: The Collective Memory and Political Myths)
Research Paper
日治時期大稻埕霞海城隍祭典的組織與審查制度研究 (Study on the Organization and Review System of the Xiahai City God’s Temple Festival during the Japanese Colonial Era)
Field Report
消逝的將藝:稻江霞海八將會 (The Lost Art of Martial Troupe: Daojiang Xiahai Bajiang Troupe)

No. 185, September 2014
Special Issue on "Cultural Heritage and Memories" (文化遺產與記憶) — Part I
文化遺產與記憶:導言 (Cultural Heritage and Memories: Introduction)
朝鮮宗廟祭禮樂的當代保存與記憶 (Jongmyo Jeryeak and Its Preservation Today)
當「做花」成「做人」:施洞苗族非物質文化遺產之傳承與變遷 (When “Making Motifs” Becomes “Making a Person”: Continuity and Change of Shidong Miao Intangible Cultural Heritage)
創世史詩梅葛的記憶:楚雄彝族歌謠的傳統與再現 (Memories from Meige, the Epic Poem of Creation: Traditional Songs of Chuxiong Yi and Their Re-presentations)
Research Papers
變婆的巫術指控:抹黑鄰居的社會展演 (Witchcraft Accusations against Sax Biinv: Stigmatizing Neighbours as Social Drama)
儀式傳承之文本媒介:廣西上林縣壯族師公戒度法事中的唱本分析 (Textual Medium of Ritual Transmission: Analysis of Jiedu Scripts of Zhuang Shigong in Shanglin County, Guangxi Province)

No. 184, June 2014 
Special issue on "Daoist and Ritual Practices and Local Society"(道法實踐與地方社會) — Part II
前言:道法複合的地方經驗 (Preface: The Local Experience of Combined Daoist and Ritual Practices)
南臺灣和瘟送船儀式的傳承與其道法析論 (Analysis on the Transmission of “Pacification of Plagues” Boat Burning Ritual in Southern Taiwan and Its Involvement in the Daoist / Ritual Tradition)
威顯南邦:馬來西亞馬六甲勇全殿的王醮 (The Daoist Jiao Ritual at the Melaka Yong Chuan Tien Temple)
湘中「梅山派」的道法淵源及其演變:以新化縣為例 (The Interrelation between Dao-Fa and the Meishan Daoism in the Central Hunan: A Case Study of Xinhua County)
Research Papers
客潮二派箏樂小曲之形質流變 (A Research on the Form and Character of Zheng Folk Tunes in Hakka and Chaozhou Music)
論京劇武戲之套曲應用及崑班承演 (On the Song Cycles of Martial Arts Plays and the Succession of Kunqu Performance)
當代埔里鸞生的宗教生活:以育化堂女鸞為考察中心 (The Religious Life of Contemporary Female Disciples of the Phoenix: A Case Study of Yuhua Tang in Puli)

No. 183, March 2014 
Special issue on "Daoist and Ritual Practices and Local Society"(道法實踐與地方社會) — Part I
前言:道法實踐與地方社會 (Preface: Daoist and Ritual Practices and Local Society)
社會中的體化實踐:臺南安平乩童濟世成神個案研究 (The Practice of Incorporation in Society: A Case Study of a Spirit Medium’s Life History)
乩示中的神、靈與儀式、習俗的系統關係:金門中堡威靈殿張公壇乩示紀實 (Systematic Relation between the Supernatural and Religious Practices: A Report on Duke Zhang’s Spirit-writing Session in Kinmen)
地方宗教中的道法關係:以臺南和意堂為核心的考察 (The Web of Local Religions as Seen in the Way (Dao) and the Technique (Fa): An Investigation of the Heyitang in Tainan)
Research Papers
苗人古歌的記音與翻譯:歌師Sangt Jingb的手稿、知識與空間 (Transcription and Translation of Hmub Antique Songs: A Song Master’s Manuscript, Knowledge, Space and Landscape)
孤魂的在地化:有應公廟與臺灣社會地緣意識之轉變 (The Localization of Orphan Ghosts: The Youyinggong Temples and Changes in Geo-Consciousness of Taiwan Society)

No. 182, December 2013
Special issue on "The Formation, Transmission, and Transformation of the Paradigms in the Field of Arts and Cultural Studies" (藝術範型的形成、傳播與轉化)
前言 (Preface)
作出臺灣味:日本蓄音器商會臺灣唱片產製策略初探 (Sounding Taiwanese: A Preliminary Study on the Production Strategy of Taiwanese Records by Nippon Phonograph Company)
從選曲通知書看臺灣古倫美亞唱片公司與日本蓄音器商會之間的訊息傳遞──兼談戰爭期的唱片發行(1930s1940s) (The Role of the “Notifications of Music Selection” in the Course of Music Album Release between the Taiwan Columbia Record Company and the Nippon Phonograph Co. [1930s-1940s])
鬚髯的能與藝:北海道愛努族的兩性和儀式 (Beards and Whiskers: On the Gender and Ritual of Ainu People in Hokkaido)
文化競技超越前代、媲美西洋的康熙朝清宮畫琺瑯 (Cultural Contending: Kangxi Painted Enamelware as Global Competitor)
戰前日本帝國大學之籌組與校園空間的「巴洛克」化:從東京帝國大學到臺北帝國大學 (Japanese Imperial Universities with Baroque-Style Campus Landscape, from Tokyo to Taipei)

No. 181, September 2013 
Special Issue on "Studies of Improvisation in Folk Theater" (民間即興戲劇研究)
前言 (Preface)
臺灣布袋戲的即興創作及其特質 (Improvisation in Taiwan’s Puppet Theater)
從「傳仔戲」論臺灣亂彈戲裡的活戲演出 (A Study on the Improvisational Performance in Taiwanese Luantan (Beiguan) Theater of “Tuān-á-hì”)
試論奠基歌仔戲活戲養分的「真本歌仔」《山伯英臺》 (On the Foundation of Improvisation in Taiwanese Koa Opera: “Genuine Koa,” Shanbo and Yintai )
Research Paper
On the Survival of the Traditional Ritualized Performance Art in Modern China: A Case of Telling Scriptures by Yu Dingjun in Shanghu Town Area of Changshu City in Jiangsu Province (談宗教性講唱文學在當代中國的傳承與創造:以江蘇省常熟市尚湖鎮余鼎君「講經宣卷」為例) Read more 
民俗畫的解讀與誤讀──以俄藏五鬼鬧判圖為例 (The Interpretation and Misinterpretation of Folk Pictures: A Case Study of the Zhong Kui Pictures Held in Russian Museums)  Read more 
原漢共譜的「山地」戀曲──談〈馬蘭姑娘〉的可能源流與認同想像 (A Mountain Love Song between Cross Cultural)

No. 180, June 2013
Research Papers 
音樂時間與文化異質性:以1930年代前後《雪梅思君》的不同錄音為例 (Musical Time and Cultural Heterogeneity: Recordings of Xuemei Si Jun during and around the 1930s)
失落的西安城市史:對唐大明宮(國家遺址公園)歷史想像空間構築的考察 (Lost Historiography of Xi’an: Investigating the Imaginative Spatial Construction of the Historic Daming Palace [National Heritage Park]) 
「社官」信仰在廣東蕉嶺與臺灣美濃的比較研究 (A Comparative Study of “She Guan” in Jiaoling, Guangdong and Meinong, Taiwan)
潮惠兩裔客家人分佈比例與新竹枋寮義民祭祀圈之關係 (Distribution and Proportion of the Chaozhou and Huizhou Hakka and Their Status within the Ritual Sphere of Yimin Temple, Xinzhu)
戰爭、傳說與地方社會之信仰重構:以淡水清水祖師信仰為論述中心 (War, Legends, and the Reconstruction Cult in Local Society: A Discourse on the Qingshui Zushi Cult of Tamsui)
試探一項平埔族習俗的解讀 (A Tentative Interpretation of a Pingpu Custom)

No. 179, March 2013 
Research Papers
鹿港郭氏家族在傳統厝屋彩繪作品之人物圖像來源研究 (A Study of the Sources of the Human Figures in the Traditional House Painting Works by the Kuo Clan in Lukang)
意象、藝像與商品:蘭嶼達悟族飛魚文化的當代顯像 (Image, Representation, and Commodity: Contemporary Manifestations of Flying Fish Culture among the Tao in Orchid Island)
中西即興戲劇脈絡中的歌仔戲「做活戲」──藝術定位、研究視野與劇場運用 (“Spontaneous Performance” in Taiwanese Opera in the Context of Improvisational Theater: Artistic Position, Research Perspective, and Dramatic Practice)
番平千萬不通行?——閩南「過番歌」中的歷史記憶與勸世話語 (Never Go to Nanyang? The Historical Memories and Exhortation in the Keh-huan-gua from Southern Fujian)
關於七星板 (On the “Seven-star Board”)

No. 178, December 2012 
Special issue on "Sound Technology and Taiwanese Music" (錄音科技與臺灣音樂)
導言:錄音科技與臺灣音樂——近年研究回顧 (Introduction: State of Research on Sound Technology and Taiwanese Music)
一九三年代臺灣南管樂人潘榮枝的跨界與創新 (Pan Rongzhi’s Nanguan Crossovers in the 1930s in Colonial Taiwan)
「寶島低音歌王之路」:洪一峰歌唱風格發展 (“The Road to Formosan Primo Bass Singer”: Stages of Hong Yi-feng’s Singing Style)
臺灣「山地音樂工業」與「山地歌曲」發展的軌跡:196070年代鈴鈴唱片及群星唱片、心心唱片的產製與競爭 (The Development of Record Industry and Aboriginal “Mountain Songs” in Taiwan from the 1960s to the 1970s: The Production and Competition among Record Labels “Ling-ling,” “Chun-hsing” and “Hsin-hsin”)
「民歌」再思考:從《重返部落》談起 (Rethinking Folksong: Based on a Restudy of Return to Tribal Villages)

No. 177, September 2012
Research Papers 
儀式性質與歌舞系統:談馬蘭部落豐年祭歌舞的類型問題 (Ritual Character and Dance System: A Study on the Types of Falangaw New Year Ritual Dances)  
廣澤尊王遊臺灣:漢人民間信仰神明階序的結構與展演 (When the Reverent Lord of Broad Compassion Takes a Tour of Inspection in Taiwan: Hierarchy of Deities and Its Performance in Han Chinese Folk Religion)  
明清俗曲(小曲)之曲牌名附加語探究 (Investigation of the Tag-on Phrases of Ming-Qing Folk Tune Titles)
施洞苗族剪紙圖像上的戲曲與女性形象 (Theatrical and Female Figures on Shidong Miao Paper Stencil Images)

No. 176, June 2012
Special issue on "Objects, Local Knowledge, and Notions of Space" (物、地方知識與空間觀)
物質性、符號與美感所在:陶壺世界的感知詮釋 (Materiality, Symbol, and Aesthetic Locus: Perceptual Interpretation of Paiwan Pottery)
京都祇園祭宵山的文化展演與空間 (The Cultural Performance of Yoiyama in Gion Festival in Kyoto and the Space)
日治時期北港朝天宮建築空間之變遷 (The Spatial Transition of Peikang Matsu Temple during the Japanese Governed Period in Taiwan)
遺產做為一種空間識別:花蓮豐田社區的遺產論述 (Heritage as Space Identification: Heritage Discourse of Fengtian Community, Hualien)
Research Paper
「文化動起來」︰賽德克族文化產業的研究 ("Activating the Sediq Culture": A Study of Cultural Industry in a Sediq Community)

No. 175, March 2012
Research Papers
臺灣田都元帥信仰與宋江陣儀式傳統 (The Cult of Marshal Tiandu and the Ritual Tradition of Song Jiang Militia in Taiwan)
客家「串調」箏曲之研究 (A Study of Hakka Zheng Music Chuandiao)
中國鬥蟋蟀博戲中的芡草與芡法 (Cricket Ticklers and Tickling Methods in Chinese Cricket Fighting Games)
臺灣歌仔戲「做活戲」的演員即興表演與劇目創作參與 (Improvisational Performance and Creative Involvement in Taiwanese Gezixi Opera)
Research Report 
櫥窗內的歷史聲音:牛津大學Pitt Rivers博物館臺灣原住民樂器收藏與臺灣音樂研究史料 (Forgotten Voices behind the Display Glass: Formosan Musical Instruments at the Pitt Rivers Museum [Oxford] and Historical Research in the Music of Taiwan)

No. 174, December 2011 
Special issue on “Religion and Society in South China and Taiwan” (華中、南與臺灣的宗教與社會) 
Preface (引言
明清以來徽州的保安善會與「五隅」組織 (The Tranquility Festivals and the Five Sectors Organization of Huizhou since the Ming Dynasty) 
Spirit-writing Halls and the Development of Local Communities: A Case Study of Puli (Nantou County) (鸞堂與地方社會的發展:以埔里地區為例) 
「混雜的現代性」:近代金門地方社會的文化想像及其實踐 (Hybrid Modernity: A Study of Cultural Imagination and Practice of the Overseas Chinese in Modern Kinmen) 
申遺背後的曹主娘娘信俗研究 (Behind the Application for the Status of Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Study of the Female Deity Caozhu Niangniang [Lady of Lord Cao] in Yingde, Northern Guangdong) 
Village Religion in Huizhou: A Preliminary Assessment (徽州府的村落宗教:初步的探討
Research Paper 
水利空間與地域建構:社子溪流域的水圳、祭典與儀式社群 (Irrigation and Territorial Construction: Sacrifice to the Deities of the Three Realms in Shezi Stream Basin)

No. 173, September 2011 
Special issue on “Redemptive Societies and New Religious Movements in Modern China” (救世團體與現代中國的新興宗教運動), part II   
Introduction: Redemptive Societies in Cultural and Historical Contexts
導言:關於「救世團體」:「鄉村宗教」或「邪教」?(Introduction: Redemptive Societies: "Rural Religion" or "Heterodox Teachings"?) 
先天道嶺南道脈的思想和實踐:以廣東清遠飛霞洞為例 (The Ideas and Practices of the Xiantiandao’s Lingnan Branch: The Case of the Feixia Dong [Qingyuan County, Guangdong]) 
先天道的尊孔崇道:香港道德會福慶堂、善慶洞的源流和變遷 (Worshipping Confucius and Promoting the Dao: The Origin and Development of the Fuqing Tang and Shanqing Dong of the Xiantiandao’s Hong Kong Ethics Society) 
Anchoring Guanyin: Appropriative Strategies in a New Phoenix Hall Scripture (錨定觀音:一部新的鸞堂經文的借用策略
法輪功的歷史何在?(A History for Falun Gong) 
Research Papers
甘肅省會寧縣丁溝鄉南門村一次喪葬活動的考察及闡釋 (Investigation and Interpretation of a Funeral in Nanmen Village, Huining County, Gansu)
淡水靈寶道壇的功德儀式:以混玄壇為核心的探討 (The Gongde Rituals of Tamsui’s Lingbao Daoist Altars: A Case Study of the Hunxuan Altar)

No. 172, June 2011 
Special issue on “Redemptive Societies and New Religious Movements in Modern China” (救世團體與現代中國的新興宗教運動), part I  
Introduction: Redemptive Societies as Confucian NRMs?  
導言:救世團體研究的回顧 (Introduction: The Emergence of Academic Research on Redemptive Societies) 
Chinese Redemptive Societies and Salvationist Religion: Historical Phenomenon or Sociological Category? (民國救世團體與中國救度宗教:歷史現象還是社會學類別?
The Salvation of Religion? Public Charity and the New Religions of the Early Republic (宗教救濟?民初的新興宗教與慈善團體的演變
同善社早期的特點及在雲南的發展 (1912-1937)︰兼談其與「鸞壇」、「儒教」的關係 (Early Characteristics of the Tongshanshe and Its Development in Yunnan [1912-1937], with a Note on the Relationship between “Spirit-writing Shrines” and “Religious Confucianism”) 
民初儒學的宗教化:段正元與道德學社的個案研究 (The Religious Development of Confucianism in Early Republican China: A Case Study of Duan Zhengyuan and the Daode Xueshe) 
海濱扶聖道:戰後臺灣民間儒教結社與活動 (1945-1970) (Promoting Confucianism in Remote Places: Confucian Associations and Their Activities in Early Postwar Taiwan [1945–1970])
Research Paper 
文字/電子時代的口傳技藝:一個苗栗客家山歌婚宴表演場域的觀察 (The Verbal Art in a Literate/Electronic Age: A Case Study of Hakka Folksong Performance in Weddings) 

No. 171, March 2011 
Special issue on “New Directions in Taiwan Music Studies” (臺灣音樂的研究新動向
前言 (Preface) 
音樂作為一種離散社會空間:臺灣中和地區緬甸華僑的音景與族裔空間建構 (Music as Diasporic Social Space: Constructing Soundscapes and Ethnoscapes in a Burmese Chinese Community in Jhong-he, Taiwan) 
歌謠中的部落、歷史與生活:以三首馬蘭阿美族的現代歌謠為例 (Village, History, and Life in the Ballads: A Study of Three Modern Ballads of the Falangaw Amis) 
戰後臺灣客家音樂的建制化歷程:以《中原(苗友)》月刊(1962-1981)的再現為例 (Institutionalization of Hakka Music in Postwar Taiwan: An Analysis of Its Representation in Chuangyuan [Miauyo] Monthly 1962–1981) 
談《臺灣日日新報音樂資料彙編》對臺灣音樂史研究之價值:以明治時期資料為分析對象 (On the Research Value of “Music Resources in Taiwan Daily News”: An Analysis of Materials from the Meiji Era) 
Research Paper 
世界文化遺產中的人物:馬六甲找鄭和 (On a Special Historic Figure in World Cultural Heritage: Searching for Cheng Ho in Melaka) 
Research Report 
臺灣省地方戲劇協進會出版刊物《臺灣地方戲劇》中的戲劇史料 (Theatrical Resources in Taiwan Local Theatre)   

No. 170, December 2010 
Special issue on "The Transmission of Chinese Theatre" (戲曲流播)
前言 (Preface) 
山西上黨賽社演出中的行業變遷與演劇形態 (The Occupational Transition and Theatrical Pattern of the Saishe Performance in Shangdang, Shanxi) 
萌生與交疊:臺灣「拋採茶」之歷史景觀、表演套式與源流演化探析 (The History, Performing Style, and Origin of “Throwing a Tea Basket” in Taiwan) 
從外江到國劇:論臺灣民間京劇傳統的形成與失落 (From “Waijiang” to “National Opera”: Study of Traditional Taiwanese Folk Style Peking Opera) 
從「以箏托腔」到「器寫人聲」:論河南箏樂對曲劇音樂之吸收與借鑑 (From Accompaniment to Vocal Imitation: The Adaptation and Application of Quju Music in Henan Zheng Music) 
印尼泗水的「鳳德軒」廟宇布袋戲團發展史 (History of Affiliation with the Fengdexuan Temple Puppet Theatre Troupe in Surabaya, Indonesia) 
Research Report 
祠堂裡的圖像:晚清到民國初年之間潮汕地區的庶民生活和價值觀 (Images in Ancestral Halls: Life and Values of Common People in Chao-Shan Region from the Late Qing to the Early Republican Period)

No. 169, September 2010 
Research Articles 
中秋社祭與南臺灣的社樹信仰 (The Mid-Autumn She Sacrifice and the She Tree Cult in Southern Taiwan)
狩獵、山林與部落「產業」:走進一對賽德克父子的生命史 (Hunting, Mountains, and the Tribal “Industry”: Walking into the Life Histories of a Sediq Father-and-Son Pair)
19101930年代臺灣傳統建築彩繪匠司譜系之探討 (A Study on the Lineage of Taiwanese Traditional Architectural Paintings from 1910s to 1930s)
主僕與制衡:江西石郵儺的傳衍 (Subordination and Counterbalance: The Dissemination of Nuo in Shiyou Village, Jiangxi)
Research Report 
江蘇常熟白茆地區宣卷活動調查報告 (A Survey of Xuanjuan Activity in Baimao Area of Changshu, Jiangsu)

No. 168, June 2010
Special Issue on "Women in Chinese Religions" (華人宗教中的女性)
Introduction (導論
女乩、義女與誦經女:女性在「公寓廟」的活動和地位 (Female Mediums, God’s Daughters, and Scripture-chanting Women: Female Activities and Status in the “Apartment Temple”)
跨越社會界限的女性宗教儀式專家 (The Experience of Crossing Social Boundaries for Female Religious Specialists in Mei County, Guangdong)
Women as Worshippers, Women Worshipped: A Hakka Community in Hong Kong (婦女拜祭者和被拜祭者:香港的一個客家社區)
On Women and Chinese Ritual Food Culture in Penang and Singapore (談檳城、馬來西亞和新加坡婦女與華人節慶飲食)
Forming Women's Genealogy: Daoist Monastic Women in Mongolian China (建構女性傳承譜系:女冠活動在蒙古統治下的中國)
Humanistic Buddhism and Buddhist Nuns in Taiwan (臺灣的人間佛教與出家女眾)  

No. 167, March 2010
Special Issue on "Stone Inscriptions, Local History, and Fieldwork" (碑刻、地方史料與田野調查)
Introduction (導言)
On the Protection of Mariners: A Trajectory in the Cultic Traditions of Southern Fujian from the Early Song to the Early Qing (航員的保護:從宋朝至清朝在福建南部祭拜禮儀的發展歷程)
湄洲祖廟與度尾龍井宮:興化民間媽祖崇拜的建構 (Meizhou Ancestral Mazu Temple and the Dragon Well Temple of Duwei: The Construction of the Cult of Mazu in the Xinghua Region)
正德癸酉平陽堯廟改制考:平陽堯廟〈三聖廟碑〉解讀 (The 1513 Conversion of the Pingyang Yao Temple: An Interpretation of the “Sansheng Temple Stele”)
私人宗教儀式的社會意義:莆田東華「謝恩」儀式的田野考察 (Social Significances of Private Religious Rituals: A Field Investigation of the Xie’en Ritual in Donghua, Putian)
Research Paper
文心百變與經典轉化:從《荊釵記》到《比目魚》 (The Transformation of the Classics and the Invention of Playwriting: From Jingchaiji to Bimuyu)

No. 166, December 2009
Special issue on “Folklore Practices, Objects, and Notions of Time(民俗實踐、物與時間觀)
導論:民俗實踐、物與時間觀 (Introduction: Folklore Practices, Objects, and Notions of Time)
找吃找穿的時間:貴州施洞苗人曆法實踐中的我群建構 (Time for Food and Clothing: The Construction of In-Group in the Shidong Miao Calendar)
食物符碼與儀式行動:從賽夏社會關係的建構到時間連結的體現 (Food Symbols and Ritual Actions: From Mediating Social Relations to Embodying Time Linkages among the Saisiyat)
"Tradition," Internal Debates, and Future Directions: The Concept of Tradition and Its Relation to Time in the Practices of the Chinese Seven-Stringed Zither (Qin) (七弦琴 [古琴] 實踐中的傳統與時間概念)
賽夏音樂中的時間疊置與延展 (Overlapping and Extending of the Time in Saysiyat Music)
臺南廖枝德司阜落篙程序之研究 (A Case Study of Liao Chih-te’s Lóh-ko Technique in Tainan)
形式變貌:大溪木器形式風格之探索 (Form and Variation: An Investigation of the Woodwork Style in Ta-hsi)
Research Note
時空旅行過後的民族學資料:國立臺灣大學人類學系所藏之海南島黎族物像 (Ethnological Materials under Changing Socio-political Context: On the Ethnographic Collections of the Li People of Hainan Island in the Department of Anthropology, NTU)

(To be continued......)

《民俗曲藝》2002年改刊後目錄(簡要版  135-170期(2002~2010年)
