
CONTENTS OF NO. 223 (March 2024)

Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (Min-su ch’ü-i 民俗曲藝)

No. 223, March 2024

調意曲與早期琴調的音樂性質 (Diaoyi and the Musical Features of Early Qindiao)

清代嘉慶年間以來廣東「粵謳」的流變軌跡:詩文日記、唱詞曲譜與聲音材料的綜合性研究 (The Transformation of Yueou (Cantonese Songs) since the Early Nineteenth Century: An Integrated Approach to Studies of Sung Oral Narratives by Examining Written, Printed, and Audio Materials)

閻王、三姑、白蛇傳:戰後地下黨的「工人政治戲劇」(19491950s(Yan Wang, Sangu, and the White Snake: A History of the “Workers’ Political New Drama” of the Post-War Underground Party (1949–1950s))

異鄉人成神:臺南地區日本人成神的信仰與傳播研究 (Foreign Gods: Research on Legends of Japanese Becoming Gods and Contemporary Popular Religious Beliefs in Tainan)

張東初與廿世紀越南明師道德濟宗的發展:以人物為中心的探討 (Chang Dongchu and the Development of Vietnam’s Tông Đức Tế of Minh Sư Đạo during the Twentieth Century: A Case Study of Proselytizers)

臺南關大駕初探:以西羅殿與米街忠澤堂大駕為例 (Kuan tuā kà in Tainan: A Preliminary Study of the Xiluodian and Rice Street Zhongzetang)




孫俊彥。〈調意曲與早期琴調的音樂性質〉。《民俗曲藝》223 (2024.03): 1-50

Sun Chun-yen. “Diaoyi and the Musical Features of Early Qindiao.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 223 (2024.03): 1-50.



程美寶。〈清代嘉慶年間以來廣東「粵謳」的流變軌跡:詩文日記、唱詞曲譜與聲音材料的綜合性研究〉。《民俗曲藝》223 (2024.3): 51-104

Ching May Bo.The Transformation of Yueou (Cantonese Songs) since the Early Nineteenth Century: An Integrated Approach to Studies of Sung Oral Narratives by Examining Written, Printed, and Audio Materials”.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 223 (2024.3): 51-104.



林傳凱。〈閻王、三姑、白蛇傳:戰後地下黨的「工人政治戲劇」(19491950s〉。《民俗曲藝》223 (2024.3): 105-51

Lin Chuan-kai. “Yan Wang, Sangu, and the White Snake: A History of the “Workers’ Political New Drama” of the Post-War Underground Party (1949-1950s).” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 223 (2024.3): 105-51.



李淑如。〈異鄉人成神:臺南地區日本人成神的信仰與傳播研究〉。《民俗曲藝》223 (2024.3): 153-214

Lee Shu-ju. “Foreign Gods: Research on Legends of Japanese Becoming Gods and Contemporary Popular Religious Beliefs in Tainan.Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 223 (2024.3): 153-214.



鍾雲鶯。〈張東初與廿世紀越南明師道德濟宗的發展:以人物為中心的探討〉。《民俗曲藝》223 (2024.3): 215-75

Chung Yun-ying. “Chang Dongchu and the Development of Vietnam’s Tông Đức Tế of Minh Sư Đạo during the Twentieth Century: A Case Study of Proselytizers.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 223 (2024.3): 215-75.



Field Report


阮偉華。〈臺南關大駕初探:以西羅殿與米街忠澤堂大駕為例〉。《民俗曲藝》223 (2024.3): 277-318

Juan Wei-hua. “Kuan tuā kà in Tainan: A Preliminary Study of the Xiluodian and Rice Street Zhongzetang.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 223 (2024.3): 277-318.
