

程美寶。〈清代嘉慶年間以來廣東「粵謳」的流變軌跡:詩文日記、唱詞曲譜與聲音材料的綜合性研究〉。《民俗曲藝》223 (2024.3): 51-104

Ching May Bo.The Transformation of Yueou (Cantonese Songs) since the Early Nineteenth Century: An Integrated Approach to Studies of Sung Oral Narratives by Examining Written, Printed, and Audio Materials”.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 223 (2024.3): 51-104.






This article adopts an integrated approach to research Chinese sung oral narratives (quyi) by studying the transformation of “yueou” (literally, Cantonese songs) through an examination of a variety of written, printed, and audio materials. It suggests that this particular genre of Cantonese songs emerged in the provincial capital of Guangdong (Guangzhou, Canton) no later than the first decade of the nineteenth century. An abundance of written and printed materials reveals important details about how yueou might have been performed and appreciated during those years, and also confirms that the compiler of the songbook entitled Yueou was most likely Zhao Ziyong, a Nanhai literatus active in Canton during the 1820s-1830s. Literature published since the 1860s shows that yueou was by then considered out of fashion, and by the late Qing yueou was more like a literature style than a song genre. Fortunately, scores published in the 1920s and 1930s document at least one type of singing pattern of yueou, while audio records left by a blind lady singer in Hong Kong in the 1960s and 1980s preserve another. These two types of literature (scores and audio records) indicate the different roles played by men and women in written and oral traditions in terms of passing down different styles of sung oral narratives. They also serve as important references for singers today to arrange and create their own vocal performances of yueou.