
CONTENTS OF NO. 212 (June 2021)

Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (Min-su ch’ü-i 民俗曲藝)

No. 212, June 2021

甲必丹制度的現代變奏:以柔佛古廟遊神為個案 (The Modern Variation of the Kapitan System: A Case Study of the Johor Bahru Old Chinese Temple’s Annual Chingay Parade)

Affiliating to a Communal Temple via the Statue of a Deity: Firecracker Societies in Macau, 1900-1966 (以一個神像依附社區寺廟:澳門炮會,1900-1966)

瓊州火雷聖娘信仰探源 (A Study on the Goddess of Fire and Thunder in Kheng-chew)

文化資產與國族想像:臺南府城日治時期古蹟詮釋中的時空再現 (Cultural Heritage and National Imaginings: Time and Space in the Interpretation of Monuments from Japanese Era in Tainan)

Research Papers 


莊仁傑。〈甲必丹制度的現代變奏:以柔佛古廟遊神為個案〉。《民俗曲藝》212 (2021.6): 1-42

Chong Ren Jie Henry. “The Modern Variation of the Kapitan System: A Case Study of the Johor Bahru Old Chinese Temple’s Annual Chingay Parade.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 212 (2021.6): 1-42.



Zhu Tianshu. “Affiliating to a Communal Temple via the Statue of a Deity: Firecracker Societies in Macau, 1900-1966.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 212 (2021.6): 43-107.

朱天舒。〈以一個神像依附社區寺廟:澳門炮會,1900-1966〉。《民俗曲藝》212 (2021.6): 43-107



鄭翔鵬、張曉威。〈瓊州火雷聖娘信仰探源〉。《民俗曲藝》212 (2021.6): 109-60

Zheng Xiang Peng and Chong Siou Wei. “A Study on the Goddess of Fire and Thunder in Kheng-chew.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 212 (2021.6): 109-60.



姚明俐。〈文化資產與國族想像:臺南府城日治時期古蹟詮釋中的時空再現〉。《民俗曲藝》212 (2021.6): 161-214

Yao Ming-li. “Cultural Heritage and National Imaginings: Time and Space in the Interpretation of Monuments from Japanese Era in Tainan.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 212 (2021.6): 161-214.
