


Special Issue on Popular Beliefs, Religious Texts, and Local Communities in the Sinophone World: In Memory of Professor Daniel L. Overmyer—PART II

趙昕毅、王見川。〈前言〉。《民俗曲藝》221 (2023.9): 1-18

Chao Shin-yi and Wang Chien-chuan. “Introduction.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 222 (2023.12): 1-18.


在前一期(221期),我們概括歐大年(Daniel L. Overmyer, 19352021)教授一生研究的四大方向:扶乩、寶卷、民間教派和地方宗教,並收錄關於寶卷和扶乩的最新研究。在這一期的專輯收錄論文七篇,圍繞地方宗教和民間宗教教派,特別是二者的交集。歐大年素來主張民間教派只要環境許可,一向十分公開,與一般地方民眾互動。近二十年來的研究成果,更發現民間教派有各種程度和形式的本地化。……


Articles in this Special Issue


John Lagerwey. “Xucun, a Brief History.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 222 (2023.12): 19-61.

勞格文。〈許村簡史〉。《民俗曲藝》222 (2023.12): 19-61



伍小劼、劉芸。〈現存安龍謝土儀式中所見的普庵信仰探索:以「化九良」為考察線索〉。《民俗曲藝》222 (2023.12): 63-95

Wu Xiaojie and Liu Yun.An Exploration of Pu’an Beliefs in the Extant Anlong Xietu (Retaining the Dragons and Thanking Earth) Rituals: A Clue Seen in “Converting Jiuliang”.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 222 (2023.12): 63-95.



陳明華。〈「聖地」的塑造:近代青幫組織中的羅教記憶及其空間化〉。《民俗曲藝》222 (2023.12): 97-134

Chen Minghua. “Shaping the “Holy Land”: Memories of the Luo Sect and its Spatialization in the Development of the Modern Green Gang (Qingbang).” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 222 (2023.12): 97-134.



Nikolas Broy. “Consuming Rice Cakes, Sailing to Salvation: The Taiwanese Longhuapai Initiation Festival and the Question of Buddhist Orientations among Zhaijiao (Vegetarian Sects).Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 222 (2023.12): 135-85.

百可思。〈吞噬糍粑,駛往救世:關於臺灣龍華派過光場儀式以及齋教之佛教導向問題〉。《民俗曲藝》222 (2023.12): 135-85



徐天基、羅丹。〈當代冀東南民間教派的儀式專家:以經卷為中心的研究〉。《民俗曲藝》222 (2023.12): 187-229

Xu Tianji and Luo Dan. “The Ritual Experts of Contemporary Popular Religious Sects in Southeast Hebei: A Study Centered on Scriptures.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 222 (2023.12): 187-229.



王堯。〈流動的神譜:以山西洪洞五道將軍為個案〉。《民俗曲藝》222 (2023.12): 231-85

Wang Yao. “The Fluid Pantheon in Local Religion: A Case Study of the General of the Five Paths in Hongdong, Shanxi Province.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 222 (2023.12): 231-85.



馬竹君。〈性別與親密:泰山娘娘相關寶卷中的人神關係〉。《民俗曲藝》222 (2023.12): 287-331

Ma Zhujun. “Gender and Intimacy: Deity-Human Relationships in Precious Scrolls about the Lady of Mount Tai.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 222 (2023.12): 287-331.
