Special Issue on Popular Beliefs, Religious Texts, and Local Communities in the Sinophone World: In Memory of Professor Daniel L. Overmyer—PART I
趙昕毅、王見川。〈前言〉。《民俗曲藝》221 (2023.9): 1-29。
Shin-yi and Wang Chien-chuan. “Introduction.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
Folklore 221 (2023.9): 1-29.
Articles in this Special Issue
(2023.9): 31-80。
Hu Jiechen. “Rediscovering the ‘Brush Register’: A
Sub-Type of Spirit-Writing during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
Folklore 221 (2023.9): 31-80.
(2023.9): 81-136。
Zhang Yuqing. “Gentry, Spirit-Writing Groups and Local
Society in Modern Jiangnan: A Case Study of Daoshan Tan (“Altar of Doing Good”)
in Chuansha, Jiangsu (1895–1945).” Journal
of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 221 (2023.9): 81-136.
楊春宇。〈維新時代的「脫魂術」:近代雲南遊冥類鸞書中的文體、技術和劫運觀〉。《民俗曲藝》221 (2023.9): 137-86。
Yang Chunyu. “Ecstatic
Journeys for an Era of Renewal: Genres, Techniques and Views of the Kalpa
in the Phoenix Books on Touring the Underworld from Modern Yunnan.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
Folklore 221 (2023.9): 137-86.
李志鴻。〈《大乘開香作用科文》與《五部六冊》寶卷的流傳〉。《民俗曲藝》221 (2023.9): 187-220。
Li Zhihong. “Dasheng Kaixiang Zuoyong Kewen and the
Spread of the Precious Scrolls of the Wubu Liuce.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 220 (2023.9): 187-220.
(2023.9): 221-72。
Song Jun. “An Analysis of the Tongtian Hunhai Tu.”
Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
Folklore 221 (2023.9): 221-72.
江趙展。〈「教派化」與「民間信仰化」之間:戰後淡水行忠堂之變遷與新形態〉。《民俗曲藝》221 (2023.9): 273-333。
Chiang Chao-chan. “Between Sectarian
Religion and Local Cult:Transformation and New Forms of the Tamsui Xingzhong
Tang Phoenix Hall in Postwar Taiwan.” Journal
of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 221 (2023.9): 273-333.