
民間信仰、宗教經典與地方社會:紀念歐大年教授專輯 I

民間信仰、宗教經典與地方社會:紀念歐大年教授專輯 I

Special Issue on Popular Beliefs, Religious Texts, and Local Communities in the Sinophone World: In Memory of Professor Daniel L. Overmyer—PART I

趙昕毅、王見川。〈前言〉。《民俗曲藝》221 (2023.9): 1-29

Chao Shin-yi and Wang Chien-chuan. “Introduction.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 221 (2023.9): 1-29.


Professor Overmyer was a pioneer in the study of Chinese popular religion. He was one of the founding members of the Society for the Study of Chinese Religions (SSCR) and launched Bulletin of Society for the Study of Chinese Religions, the predecessor of the Journal of Chinese Religions. He introduced to the Western academic world the religious life of common Chinese people. As a University of Chicago PhD, he was well trained in theory but also aware of its limitations. He thus emphasized close readings of the texts that people actually used. The method of textual studies within historical and ethnographic contexts, or HTF (“history, texts, and fieldwork), has been rigorously followed throughout his research.


Articles in this Special Issue


胡劼辰。〈「筆籙」鉤沉:明清扶乩的一個子類型〉。《民俗曲藝》221 (2023.9): 31-80

Hu Jiechen. “Rediscovering the ‘Brush Register’: A Sub-Type of Spirit-Writing during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 221 (2023.9): 31-80.



張玉清。〈近代江南鄉紳的扶乩結社與地方社會:以川沙道善壇為中心的考察(1895-1945〉。《民俗曲藝》221 (2023.9): 81-136

Zhang Yuqing. “Gentry, Spirit-Writing Groups and Local Society in Modern Jiangnan: A Case Study of Daoshan Tan (“Altar of Doing Good”) in Chuansha, Jiangsu (1895–1945).” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 221 (2023.9): 81-136.



楊春宇。〈維新時代的「脫魂術」:近代雲南遊冥類鸞書中的文體、技術和劫運觀〉。《民俗曲藝》221 (2023.9): 137-86

Yang Chunyu. Ecstatic Journeys for an Era of Renewal: Genres, Techniques and Views of the Kalpa in the Phoenix Books on Touring the Underworld from Modern Yunnan. Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 221 (2023.9): 137-86.



李志鴻。〈《大乘開香作用科文》與《五部六冊》寶卷的流傳〉。《民俗曲藝》221 (2023.9): 187-220

Li Zhihong. “Dasheng Kaixiang Zuoyong Kewen and the Spread of the Precious Scrolls of the Wubu Liuce.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 220 (2023.9): 187-220.



宋軍。〈《通天混海圖》析論〉。《民俗曲藝》221 (2023.9): 221-72

Song Jun. “An Analysis of the Tongtian Hunhai Tu.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 221 (2023.9): 221-72.





江趙展。〈「教派化」與「民間信仰化」之間:戰後淡水行忠堂之變遷與新形態〉。《民俗曲藝》221 (2023.9): 273-333

Chiang Chao-chan. “Between Sectarian Religion and Local Cult:Transformation and New Forms of the Tamsui Xingzhong Tang Phoenix Hall in Postwar Taiwan.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 221 (2023.9): 273-333.
