
明代選本中的戲、曲、文學與文化專輯 Ⅰ


Special Issue on the Role of Xi (Plays), Qu (Lyrics), Literature, and Culture in Ming Miscellanies PART 


汪詩珮。〈前言〉。《民俗曲藝》225 (2024.9): 1-16

Wang Shih-pe. “Introduction.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 225 (2024.9): 1-16.




Articles in this Special Issue


Tan Tian Yuan.Do the Parts Add Up? Textual Systems and Segments of Sijie Ji (The Four Seasons) in Ming Anthologies.Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 225 (2024.9): 17-57.

陳靝沅。〈聚零為整?明代曲選中《四節記》的文本系統與零散文本〉。《民俗曲藝》225 (2024.9): 17-57



汪詩珮。〈晚明曲類選本「三欄併讀」初探:以《琵琶記》、《三國記》選齣為例〉。《民俗曲藝》225 (2024.9): 59-124

Wang Shih-pe. “Exploring the ‘Triple-Register-Reading Strategy’ in Late Ming Qu Anthologies: Selections from Pipa Ji and Sanguo Ji.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 225 (2024.9): 59-124.



陳志勇。〈晚明曲選《詞珍雅調》的編刻策略與書籍特色〉。《民俗曲藝》225 (2024.9): 125-52

Chen Zhiyong. “Editorial Strategies and Book Features of the Late Ming Qu Anthology Cizhen Yadiao.Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 225 (2024.9): 125-52.



Chen Jiani. “Linking the World of Performative Texts: The Interplay between Popular Songs and Dramas in Late Ming Qu Anthologies.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 225 (2024.9): 153-90.

陳佳妮。〈鏈接表演文本的世界:晚明曲選中時曲小調與戲曲的互動〉。《民俗曲藝》225 (2024.9): 153-90



林芷瑩。〈論晚明曲選《怡春錦》之編選理念與時代特色〉。《民俗曲藝》225 (2024.9): 191-231

Lin Chih-ying. “Exploring the Editorial Philosophy and Contemporaneity of the Late Ming Qu Anthology Yichun Jin.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 225 (2024.9): 191-231.





陳怡蓁。〈傳播偏向視角下民俗文化的傳承力量:以「臨水夫人信仰」為例〉。《民俗曲藝》225 (2024.9): 233-81

Chen I-chen. “The Inheritance Power of Folklore Culture as Seen from the Perspective of ‘The Bias of Communication’: A Case Study of the Cult of Lady Linshui.Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 225 (2024.9): 233-81.
