Ritual, Theatre and Folklore
Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (Min-su ch’ü-i 民俗曲藝)
No. 226, December 2024
Print ISSN: 1025-1383
Published by: Shih Ho-cheng Folk Culture Foundation
Special Issue on “The Role of Xi (Plays),
Qu (Lyrics), Literature, and Culture in Ming Miscellanies” (明代選本中的戲、曲、文學與文化) —PART II
Editor of this Special Issue: Wang Shih-pe
*《民俗曲藝》收錄於「臺灣社會科學核心期刊」(TSSCI)及「臺灣人文學核心期刊」(THCI),並同時獲得 EBSCOhost (Humanities Source Ultimate and Chinese Insight databases),ProQuest,與「國際音樂文獻資料大全」(Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale, RILM) 收錄
明代選本中的戲、曲、文學與文化專輯 II
明代選本中的戲、曲、文學與文化專輯 II
Special Issue on the Role of Xi (Plays), Qu
(Lyrics), Literature, and Culture in Ming Miscellanies —PART II
”Different” Versions of Kunqu Singing Rules: Comparing Textual Variants in Nanci Yinzheng and Wei Liangfu’s Qulü in Late Ming Qu Anthologies
Yang Dan. “‘Different’ Versions of Kunqu Singing Rules: Comparing
Textual Variants in Nanci Yinzheng and Wei Liangfu’s Qulü in Late
Ming Qu Anthologies.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore
226 (2024.12): 7-28.
楊丹。〈「另一種」崑曲曲律:《南詞引正》與晚明曲類選本中的魏良輔《曲律》比較〉。《民俗曲藝》226 (2024.12): 7-28。
Late Ming Wanderings through Space and Time: On the “Travel” Volume of the Yuefu Hongshan
Hsu Yung-fang. “Late Ming Wanderings through Space and Time: On the ‘Travel’
Volume of the Yuefu Hongshan.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre
and Folklore 226 (2024.12): 29-78.
許詠芳。〈晚明的時空漫遊:論《樂府紅珊》中的〈遊賞〉卷〉。《民俗曲藝》226 (2024.12): 29-78。
康韻梅。〈明代「虞初」系列選集對唐代小說的編選和評議〉。《民俗曲藝》226 (2024.12):
Kang Yun-mei. “Editorial Strategies and the Commentaries on Tang Tales in the Ming Yuchu Anthologies.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 226 (2024.12): 79-134.
陳志信。〈論晚明清初江右文士賀貽孫的泛戲曲評述及其意義〉。《民俗曲藝》226 (2024.12): 135-67。
Chen Chih-hsin. “The Significance of Pan-Xiqu Commentaries in the Work of the Late Ming and Early Qing Jiangxi Literatus.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 226 (2024.12): 135-67.
陳乃華。〈「我們穿得和山神(Yullha)一樣!」:安多熱貢六月會(Lurol)祭祀中的人神關係與服飾意涵〉。《民俗曲藝》226 (2024.12): 169-216。
Chen Nai-hua. “‘Dressing Up as a Mountain God (Yullha)!’: Exploring Human-Deity Relationships and the Symbolic Significance of Clothing at the Lurol Festival in Amdo Rebgong.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 226 (2024.12): 169-216.
葉八方。〈「內山師公」的儀式傳統:以安溪老君派為探討對象〉。《民俗曲藝》226 (2024.12): 217-53。
Yeh Pa-fang. “Guardians of Tradition: Investigating the Daoist Rituals of Anxi Laojun School.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 226 (2024.12): 217-53.
明代選本中的戲、曲、文學與文化專輯 Ⅰ
明代選本中的戲、曲、文學與文化專輯 Ⅰ
Special Issue on the Role of Xi (Plays), Qu (Lyrics), Literature, and Culture in Ming Miscellanies PART Ⅰ
Textual Systems and Segments of Sijie Ji (The Four Seasons) in Ming Anthologies
Tan Tian Yuan. “Do the Parts Add Up? Textual Systems and Segments of Sijie Ji (The Four
Seasons) in Ming Anthologies.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 225 (2024.9): 17-57.
陳靝沅。〈聚零為整?明代曲選中《四節記》的文本系統與零散文本〉。《民俗曲藝》225 (2024.9): 17-57。
汪詩珮。〈晚明曲類選本「三欄併讀」初探:以《琵琶記》、《三國記》選齣為例〉。《民俗曲藝》225 (2024.9): 59-124。
Wang Shih-pe. “Exploring the ‘Triple-Register-Reading Strategy’ in Late Ming Qu Anthologies: Selections from Pipa Ji and Sanguo Ji.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 225 (2024.9): 59-124.
陳志勇。〈晚明曲選《詞珍雅調》的編刻策略與書籍特色〉。《民俗曲藝》225 (2024.9): 125-52。
Chen Zhiyong. “Editorial Strategies and Book Features of the Late Ming Qu Anthology Cizhen Yadiao.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 225 (2024.9): 125-52.
The Interplay between Popular Songs and Dramas in Late Ming Qu Anthologies
Chen Jiani. “Linking the World of Performative Texts: The
Interplay between Popular Songs and Dramas in Late Ming Qu Anthologies.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore
225 (2024.9): 153-90.
陳佳妮。〈鏈接表演文本的世界:晚明曲選中時曲小調與戲曲的互動〉。《民俗曲藝》225 (2024.9): 153-90。
林芷瑩。〈論晚明曲選《怡春錦》之編選理念與時代特色〉。《民俗曲藝》225 (2024.9): 191-231。
Lin Chih-ying. “Exploring the Editorial Philosophy and Contemporaneity of the Late Ming Qu Anthology Yichun Jin.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 225 (2024.9): 191-231.
陳怡蓁。〈傳播偏向視角下民俗文化的傳承力量:以「臨水夫人信仰」為例〉。《民俗曲藝》225 (2024.9): 233-81。
Chen I-chen. “The Inheritance Power of Folklore Culture as Seen from the Perspective of ‘The Bias of Communication’: A Case Study of the Cult of Lady Linshui.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 225 (2024.9): 233-81.
Call for Papers / 徵稿啟事
Musicking, Bodily Experiences, and Meaning Construction
CONTENTS OF NO. 224 (June 2024)
Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (Min-su ch’ü-i 民俗曲藝)
明清妙善觀音戲的市場需求與敘事變異 (Market Demand and Narrative Variations of Miaoshan
Guanyin Dramas during the Ming and Qing Dynasties)
被搬演的真實:1920年代上海時事戲《槍斃閻瑞生》(Reality on Stage: Executing Yen
Ruisheng, a 1920’s Topical Drama in Shanghai)
從祖先到神明:近二十年來一個村落女神的文化建構 (From
Ancestor to Deity: The Cultural Construction of a Chinese Village Goddess
during the Past Two Decades)
雲林大埤地區的複合式儀式動員網域:反思臺灣民間信仰的圈域研究 (Complex Ritual Networks in Dapi
Township, Yunlin County: Reflections on Circle Research in the Study of
Taiwanese Popular Religion)
閭山派清壇請神咒講唱敘事研究:以茄萣劉部堂法派心辰壇小法團為例 (Research on Narrative Chanting for
Invoking Deities at Lüshan Taoist Altars: A Case Study of the Xiaofatuan Group
at the Liu Butang in Qieding (Gaoxiong))
臺南市釋教壇師承系譜與經營現況初探 (A Preliminary Study of the Genealogy and
Management of Buddhist Altars and Masters in Tainan City)
文化資產審議新範例:文化部指定國定古蹟的嘉義城隍廟 (A New Paradigm for Reviewing Cultural Assets: The Chiayi City God Temple, a National Monument Designated by the Ministry of Culture)
林智莉。〈明清妙善觀音戲的市場需求與敘事變異〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 1-47。
Lin Zhi-li. “Market Demand and Narrative Variations of Miaoshan Guanyin Dramas during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 224 (2024.6): 1-47.
程筱媛。〈被搬演的真實:1920年代上海時事戲《槍斃閻瑞生》〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 49-89。
Cheng Hsiao-yuan. “Reality on Stage: Executing Yen Ruisheng, a 1920’s Topical Drama in Shanghai.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 224 (2024.6): 49-89.
黃萍瑛。〈從祖先到神明:近二十年來一個村落女神的文化建構〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 91-139。
Huang Ping-ying. “From Ancestor to Deity: The Cultural Construction of a Chinese Village Goddess during the Past Two Decades.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 224 (2024.6): 91-139.
齊偉先、郭應哲、張舜彬。〈雲林大埤地區的複合式儀式動員網域:反思臺灣民間信仰的圈域研究〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 141-94。
Chi Wei-hsian, Kuo Yin-zhe, and Zhang Shun-bin. “Complex Ritual Networks in Dapi Township, Yunlin County: Reflections on Circle Research in the Study of Taiwanese Popular Religion.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 224 (2024.6): 141-94.
劉元豪。〈閭山派清壇請神咒講唱敘事研究:以茄萣劉部堂法派心辰壇小法團為例〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 195-237。
Liou Yuan-hao. “Research on Narrative Chanting for Invoking Deities at Lüshan Taoist Altars: A Case Study of the Xiaofatuan Group at the Liu Butang in Qieding (Gaoxiong).” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 224 (2024.6): 195-237.
楊士賢。〈臺南市釋教壇師承系譜與經營現況初探〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 239-82。
Yang Shih-hsien. “A Preliminary Study of the Genealogy and Management of Buddhist Altars and Masters in Tainan City.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 224 (2024.6): 239-82.
褚填正。〈文化資產審議新範例:文化部指定國定古蹟的嘉義城隍廟〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 283-319。
Chu Tien-cheng. “A New Paradigm for Reviewing Cultural Assets: The Chiayi City God Temple, a National Monument Designated by the Ministry of Culture.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 224 (2024.6): 283-319.
CONTENTS OF NO. 223 (March 2024)
Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (Min-su ch’ü-i 民俗曲藝)
調意曲與早期琴調的音樂性質 (Diaoyi and the
Musical Features of Early Qindiao)
清代嘉慶年間以來廣東「粵謳」的流變軌跡:詩文日記、唱詞曲譜與聲音材料的綜合性研究 (The
Transformation of Yueou (Cantonese Songs) since the Early Nineteenth
Century: An Integrated Approach to Studies of Sung Oral Narratives by Examining
Written, Printed, and Audio Materials)
閻王、三姑、白蛇傳:戰後地下黨的「工人政治戲劇」(1949–1950s)(Yan Wang, Sangu, and the White Snake: A
History of the “Workers’ Political New Drama” of the Post-War Underground Party
異鄉人成神:臺南地區日本人成神的信仰與傳播研究 (Foreign Gods: Research on Legends of
Japanese Becoming Gods and Contemporary Popular Religious Beliefs in Tainan)
張東初與廿世紀越南明師道德濟宗的發展:以人物為中心的探討 (Chang Dongchu and the Development of
Vietnam’s Tông Đức Tế of Minh Sư Đạo during the Twentieth Century: A Case Study
of Proselytizers)
臺南關大駕初探:以西羅殿與米街忠澤堂大駕為例 (Kuan tuā kà in Tainan: A Preliminary Study of the Xiluodian and Rice Street Zhongzetang)
孫俊彥。〈調意曲與早期琴調的音樂性質〉。《民俗曲藝》223 (2024.03): 1-50。
Sun Chun-yen. “Diaoyi and the Musical Features of Early Qindiao.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 223 (2024.03): 1-50.
程美寶。〈清代嘉慶年間以來廣東「粵謳」的流變軌跡:詩文日記、唱詞曲譜與聲音材料的綜合性研究〉。《民俗曲藝》223 (2024.3): 51-104。
Ching May Bo. “The Transformation of Yueou (Cantonese Songs) since the Early Nineteenth Century: An Integrated Approach to Studies of Sung Oral Narratives by Examining Written, Printed, and Audio Materials”.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 223 (2024.3): 51-104.
林傳凱。〈閻王、三姑、白蛇傳:戰後地下黨的「工人政治戲劇」(1949–1950s)〉。《民俗曲藝》223 (2024.3): 105-51。
Lin Chuan-kai. “Yan Wang, Sangu, and the White Snake: A History of the “Workers’ Political New Drama” of the Post-War Underground Party (1949-1950s).” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 223 (2024.3): 105-51.
異鄉人成神: 臺南地區日本人成神的信仰與傳播研究
李淑如。〈異鄉人成神: 臺南地區日本人成神的信仰與傳播研究〉。《民俗曲藝》223 (2024.3): 153-214。
Lee Shu-ju. “Foreign Gods: Research on Legends of Japanese Becoming Gods and Contemporary Popular Religious Beliefs in Tainan.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 223 (2024.3): 153-214.
鍾雲鶯。〈張東初與廿世紀越南明師道德濟宗的發展:以人物為中心的探討〉。《民俗曲藝》223 (2024.3): 215-75。
Chung Yun-ying. “Chang Dongchu and the Development of Vietnam’s Tông Đức Tế of Minh Sư Đạo during the Twentieth Century: A Case Study of Proselytizers.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 223 (2024.3): 215-75.