黃萍瑛。〈從祖先到神明:近二十年來一個村落女神的文化建構〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 91-139。
Huang Ping-ying. “From Ancestor to Deity: The Cultural Construction of a Chinese Village Goddess during the Past Two Decades.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 224 (2024.6): 91-139.
After the reform era began in 1978, space for civil
society gradually expanded in China. Since the 1980s, some rural lineages have
revived construction of ancestral halls, compiled genealogies, or repaired
ancestral graves, while temple activities have also gradually resumed. However,
this so-called revival is not a stereotyped reproduction but a series of
creations accompanied by social changes. One example of this phenomenon may be
found in Yanpotian Village in Changting, Fujian, a single-surname lineage
village inhabited by members of the Lin lineage. Around 2000, this village
initiated the “revival” of lineage culture. Building on villagers’ customary
practice of “Potai (female ancestor) worship,” it associated this with the
village name “Yanpotian” and created a goddess known as “Yanpo.” This goddess
was not only included in the Lin genealogy but also recorded in local
chronicles and even listed as city-level intangible cultural heritage under the
title “Hakka Yanpo Customs in Tingzhou.” However, apart from a very small
number of village cadres or local elites, the vast majority of villagers know
almost nothing about Yanpo. However, with the passage of time, as elder
villagers who know stories about their ancestors diminish, the situation is
expected to change.
This article is based on a case study of Yanpotian,
explaining how this village, in the process of rebuilding its lineage and
reviving local culture, created Yanpo as a lineage cultural tradition. In terms
of structure, it first gives an overview of Yanpotian Village and then explains
the contents of this newly created Yanpo tradition. In addition, it shows how
villagers come to know of or encounter this new tradition. Finally, through
historical documents and the author’s field investigations, it attempts to
analyze the contexts in which Yanpo was created in response to social changes.
The article’s goal is to illustrate, through the analysis of this case study,
the processes of revival and creation of lineage culture in a Hakka ancestral
village in Western Fujian during the past two decades.
Also in Journal
of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:
黃萍瑛。〈結「結」與「解」結:鹿港「送肉粽」儀式的探討〉。《民俗曲藝》203 (2019.3): 163-97。
Huang Ping-ying.
“Knotting and Untying 'Knots': Preliminary Considerations on the 'Sending
off Meat Dumplings' Ritual in
黃萍瑛。〈當代埔里鸞生的宗教生活:以育化堂女鸞為考察中心〉。《民俗曲藝》184 (2014.6): 279-334。
Huang Ping-ying.
“The Religious Life of Contemporary Female Disciples of the
黃萍瑛。〈「接珠」唸佛風俗之性別文化初探:以閩西寧化石壁陳家村為例〉。《民俗曲藝》162 (2008.12): 23-83。
Ping-ying. “A Preliminary Investigation of Gender Culture as Seen in the
'Receiving the Rosary' Rituals as Performed in Chen Village, Shibi Town,
Ninghua County.” Journal of Chinese
Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 162 (2008.12): 23-83.