

王廷宇。〈從二十世紀初舊照片中的服飾來談三個四川西北嘉絨貴族家庭的服飾〉。《民俗曲藝》216 (2022.6): 27-88

Wang Tingyu. “A Study of Three rGyalrong Noble Families’ Clothing in Northwest Sichuan as Seen in Nine Early 20th-century Photos.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 216(2022.6): 27-88.





This paper examines photos of three early 20th-century rGyalrong noble families to determine how they used their clothing to symbolize the dynamic and diverse history of northwest Sichuan during the late Qing Dynasty and early Republican eras. These rGyalrong noble families are all of the native official rank of tusi (native chieftain) or tushoubei (native commander). Historian Wang Mingke has proposed that northwest Sichuan went through a process of “Tibetanization” before its “Sinicization.” In this study, I intend to explore the regional historical characteristics Wang raised by comparing details of the clothing. I will also discuss how clothing is related to theory of ethnic boundary.

Drawing examples from the three families, the Wasi native chieftains, the Zagunao native commanders and the Zhuokeji native chieftains, I discuss how they use their clothing to embody their cultural value, and how they employ different levels of style-changing in clothing and different style-mixing to illustrate the area’s complex history.


Also in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:


何兆華、王廷宇。〈土氣、洋氣還是接地氣?重新「觀看」時尚伸展臺上的民族服裝與族群服飾〉。《民俗曲藝》210 (2020.12): 105-43

Ho Zhaohua and Wang Tingyu. "Rustic, Fancy, or Authentic? A New Perspective on the Minority and Ethnic Clothing on the Fashion Show Runway." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 210 (2020.12): 105-43.
