

林智莉。〈明清妙善觀音戲的市場需求與敘事變異〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 1-47

Lin Zhi-li. “Market Demand and Narrative Variations of Miaoshan Guanyin Dramas during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 224 (2024.6): 1-47.





In China, the cult of Guanyin (also known as Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva), is one of the most widespread and influential Buddhist beliefs. In popular dramas, Guanyin is portrayed as a savior who delivers people from suffering and disasters. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, multiple Guanyin dramatic texts on the cultivation and enlightenment of Princess Miaoshan were created. These dramas, including the Xiangshanji, Haichaoyin, Nanyouji, and Daxiangshan, reflected market demand for Miaoshan Guanyin dramas in urban and rural areas that appealed to people of different social classes, including literati and court nobility. This article explores market demand and narrative variations of Miaoshan Guanyin dramas by comparing and analyzing textual narratives and investigating historical information about performances. The data presented focus on three dimensions, namely sacredness and entertainment, cultivation and filial piety, and the functions of ritual dramas. The findings presented below show that the success of Miaoshan Guanyin dramas in crossing social boundaries can be attributed to several factors: 1) Such dramas combined sacred and entertaining qualities by adding aesthetic effects to essential sacred scenes and strengthening the perception of sacredness through stage performances. 2) The embrace of feminist thought and Confucian ethics plus the incorporation of themes about women and filial piety from the Miaoshan legend attracted female audiences and met the demand for ethical education. 3) The spirit of guiding people towards cultivation in Buddhist texts was shifted to delivering the deceased and giving blessings, achieving one key function of ritual dramas. In short, Miaoshan Guanyin dramas presented different social functions and aesthetic features beyond entertaining effects due to multiple meanings of the Miaoshan legend as well as various connotations. The popularization and development trajectory of religious dramas can also be observed.


Also in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:


林智莉。〈誠齋雜劇的歷史定位──以宗教劇的承繼、創新與影響為討論〉。《民俗曲藝》145 (2004.9): 39-89

Lin Zhi-li. “The Chengzhai Zaju in the History of Chinese Theatre: Tradition, Innovation, and Influence on Later Religious Drama.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 145 (2004.9): 39-89.