Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (Min-su ch’ü-i 民俗曲藝)
明清妙善觀音戲的市場需求與敘事變異 (Market Demand and Narrative Variations of Miaoshan
Guanyin Dramas during the Ming and Qing Dynasties)
被搬演的真實:1920年代上海時事戲《槍斃閻瑞生》(Reality on Stage: Executing Yen
Ruisheng, a 1920’s Topical Drama in Shanghai)
從祖先到神明:近二十年來一個村落女神的文化建構 (From
Ancestor to Deity: The Cultural Construction of a Chinese Village Goddess
during the Past Two Decades)
雲林大埤地區的複合式儀式動員網域:反思臺灣民間信仰的圈域研究 (Complex Ritual Networks in Dapi
Township, Yunlin County: Reflections on Circle Research in the Study of
Taiwanese Popular Religion)
閭山派清壇請神咒講唱敘事研究:以茄萣劉部堂法派心辰壇小法團為例 (Research on Narrative Chanting for
Invoking Deities at Lüshan Taoist Altars: A Case Study of the Xiaofatuan Group
at the Liu Butang in Qieding (Gaoxiong))
臺南市釋教壇師承系譜與經營現況初探 (A Preliminary Study of the Genealogy and
Management of Buddhist Altars and Masters in Tainan City)
文化資產審議新範例:文化部指定國定古蹟的嘉義城隍廟 (A New Paradigm for Reviewing Cultural Assets: The Chiayi City God Temple, a National Monument Designated by the Ministry of Culture)
林智莉。〈明清妙善觀音戲的市場需求與敘事變異〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 1-47。
Lin Zhi-li. “Market Demand and Narrative Variations of Miaoshan
Guanyin Dramas during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore
224 (2024.6): 1-47.
程筱媛。〈被搬演的真實:1920年代上海時事戲《槍斃閻瑞生》〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 49-89。
Cheng Hsiao-yuan. “Reality on Stage: Executing Yen
Ruisheng, a 1920’s Topical Drama in Shanghai.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore
224 (2024.6): 49-89.
黃萍瑛。〈從祖先到神明:近二十年來一個村落女神的文化建構〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 91-139。
Huang Ping-ying. “From Ancestor to Deity: The Cultural
Construction of a Chinese Village Goddess during the Past Two Decades.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
Folklore 224 (2024.6): 91-139.
齊偉先、郭應哲、張舜彬。〈雲林大埤地區的複合式儀式動員網域:反思臺灣民間信仰的圈域研究〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 141-94。
Wei-hsian, Kuo Yin-zhe, and Zhang Shun-bin. “Complex Ritual Networks in
Dapi Township, Yunlin County: Reflections on Circle Research in the Study of
Taiwanese Popular Religion.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
Folklore 224 (2024.6): 141-94.
劉元豪。〈閭山派清壇請神咒講唱敘事研究:以茄萣劉部堂法派心辰壇小法團為例〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 195-237。
Liou Yuan-hao. “Research
on Narrative Chanting for Invoking Deities at Lüshan Taoist Altars: A Case
Study of the Xiaofatuan Group at the Liu Butang in Qieding (Gaoxiong).” Journal of Chinese
Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 224 (2024.6): 195-237.
Field Reports
楊士賢。〈臺南市釋教壇師承系譜與經營現況初探〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 239-82。
Yang Shih-hsien. “A Preliminary Study of the Genealogy and
Management of Buddhist Altars and Masters in Tainan City.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore
224 (2024.6): 239-82.
褚填正。〈文化資產審議新範例:文化部指定國定古蹟的嘉義城隍廟〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 283-319。
Chu Tien-cheng. “A New Paradigm for Reviewing Cultural
Assets: The Chiayi City God Temple, a National Monument Designated by the
Ministry of Culture.” Journal of
Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 224 (2024.6): 283-319.