

楊士賢。〈臺南市釋教壇師承系譜與經營現況初探〉。《民俗曲藝》224 (2024.6): 239-82

Yang Shih-hsien. “A Preliminary Study of the Genealogy and Management of Buddhist Altars and Masters in Tainan City.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 224 (2024.6): 239-82.





Buddhism in Tainan was first introduced to Baihe from Chiayi. Due to geographical barriers and a lack of transportation, Baihe had limited contact with other administrative districts in Tainan City, except for some interactions with neighboring Dongshan and Houbi. Instead, more frequent contacts took place with inland mountain areas in Chiayi County, which profoundly influenced Baihe’s customs and culture. This area has been home to many Buddhist altars and masters, making it a significant center of Buddhism in Taiwan and giving rise to one form of Buddhist culture known as the Chiayi School. The introduction of Buddhism from Chiayi to Baihe could be seen as a natural phenomenon of a strong culture spreading outward. Buddhist masters and Taoist Lingbao priests built a business ecosystem for staging salvation rituals on behalf of Tainan residents. However, the Taoist Lingbao School is dominant, while Buddhism is a relatively small traditional culture scattered in border areas that is now gradually waning. Furthermore, as the elder generation fades away, there is a risk that the local history of Buddhism will barely be remembered. This article combines fieldwork, in-person visits to Buddhist altars in Tainan City, and in-depth interviews with altar owners and the Buddhist masters who cooperate with them to better understand the historical evolution, development, regional distribution, and transmission of Buddhist altar traditions in Tainan City. Its goal is to preserve local cultural heritage as well as provide insight into the significance of Tainan City’s Buddhist altars.

Also in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:


楊士賢。〈臺灣閩南釋教「午夜」喪葬拔渡法事調查:以花蓮縣壽豐鄉豐山村慈明壇為研究對象〉。《民俗曲藝》162 (2008.12): 85-138

Yang Shih-hsien. “The Southern Min Mortuary Ritual “Midnight”: A Case Study of the Ciming Altar in Fengshan Village, Shoufeng Township, Hualien County.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 162 (2008.12): 85-138.