

鍾繼儀。〈民歌採集運動之餘韻:從1967年中國民歌比賽與全省客家民謠比賽談起〉。《民俗曲藝》215(2022.3): 129-79

Chung Chi-yi. “A Study on the Lingering Impact of Folk Song Documentation Movement in 1967.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 215(2022.3): 129-79.




2013年,一批自德國波昂東亞研究院 Ostasien-Institut 帶回的檔案,記載了1964–1973年間,臺灣音樂史上一些重要卻被遺忘的故事,其中包含幾個關鍵字,如「華歐學社」、「中國青年音樂圖書館」、「波昂中國音樂中心」等,這些機構在臺灣音樂史中消失,卻又因為檔案的出現,而能夠被世人所理解和看見。透過這批檔案,發現1967年由中國民族音樂研究中心協辦的中國民歌比賽中,出現許多民間藝人,其中又以演唱客家民謠者居多。



In 2013, a batch of archives retrieved from the Ostasien-Institut, Bonn, Germany brought back memories of important episodes in the history of Taiwanese music. Institutions such as “Arbeitsgemein­schaft China-Europa,” “Music Library for Chinese Youth,” ”Chinese Music Center in Bonn,” etc., that were long forgotten, resurfaced in these archives and regained people’s attention. Information yielded from these records reveals that many folk singers participated in the Chinese Folk Song Competition in 1967, with the most majority performing Hakka folksongs.

In the brochure for the Competition, there are several pictures of the Hakka Folksong Competition as well as documentation of aboriginal people’s music. These are from the Folksong Documentation Movement, led by Shih Wei-liang in 1967. One picture substantiates the content and date of the Competition. Furthermore, the same catalog preserves audio recordings of the Competition of that year. It recreates circumstances of the final contest “live” and the voice of Huang Chin-feng’s singing. After reviewing relevant documents and my interviews with Huang Chin-feng, I attest to the authenticity of the recordings and confirm that Huang was not the champion of the year.  

Intensive cross-examining uncovers a close relationship between the Chinese Folksong Competition, Hakka Folksong Competition, and the Folksong Documentation Movement of 1967. Because of the on-site visit of the Documentation team, a greater proportion of Hakka singers also entered the Chinese Folksong Competition. I infer that the Chinese Folksong Competition inclined more toward promotion rather than competition, and the participants were closely related to the singers “uncovered” by the Documentation team.