

Special Issue on “Folklore Practices, Objects, and Notions of Time” (民俗實踐、物與時間觀)

何兆華。〈找吃找穿的時間:貴州施洞苗人曆法實踐中的我群建構〉。《民俗曲藝》166 (2009.12): 7-59
Ho Zhao-hua. "Time for Food and Clothing: The Construction of In-Group in the Shidong Miao Calendar." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 166 (2009.12): 7-59.


From the field work conducted in Shidong, Guizhou, one may perceive an ostensible Han-Chinese influence on the Miao people's calendrical practice of combining lunar calendar with the theory of yin and yang. However, a closer examination of their festival time, ritual practices and procedure fail to give a reasonable explanation regarding the many fundamental differences in time and course of actions between the two parties. Neither can one explain away the different content expressed in their concepts of in-group and out-group. In this article, I propose that the Miao people incorporated the imported notion of yin and yang and delicately combined them with their classification concepts of personhood, seasons and objects. Subsequently they created a new calendar based on the seasonal division of ait nongx "looking for food" and ait nangl "looking for clothing" that accentuates the Miao people's self-identification. I discuss in the article how the Miao people selectively adopt both Miao calendar and lunar calendar according to their bodily sensation of "hot" and "cold" as well as the socially constructed ideals of ait nongx and ait nangl. At appropriate points of time, they employ festivities and rituals to create a "yin-yang harmony" that help them reach the goals of production and reproduction.