

Special Issue on “Folklore Practices, Objects, and Notions of Time” (民俗實踐、物與時間觀)

胡家瑜。〈食物符碼與儀式行動:從賽夏社會關係的建構到時間連結的體現〉。《民俗曲藝》166 (2009.12): 61-96
Hu Chia-yu. "Food Symbols and Ritual Actions: From Mediating Social Relations to Embodying Time Linkages among the Saisiyat." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 166 (2009.12): 61-96.


This paper aims to examine food symbols as well as to explore the cultural messages and social actions generated by food among the Saisiyat. Food is the most general and basic substance in daily life. However, other than being a critical resource in a politico-economic system, food could also serve as an important symbol for transmitting cultural messages and constructing collective experiences. As an indigenous group inhabiting on the delineated historical savage border, the Saisiyat have manipulated food at different levels to express dynamic and multiple meanings. More importantly, food is used as a solid metaphor in ritual practices which generate bodily experiences through step-by-step processes. By analyzing food symbols and examining ritual actions, we could find that the transmitted food messages create critical media to define gender relations and construct inter-clan interactions among the Saisiyat. Furthermore, specific ritual foods, such as sticky rice and millet, are frequently manipulated to generate sensory experiences and to objectify past images. In contrast to the rapid changes and constant conflict that characterize daily life, the Saisiyat dynamically re-construct social relations, transmit cultural values, and embody linkages with the past through reproducing and re-enacting food symbols in rituals.