

梅慧玉。〈社會中的體化實踐:臺南安平乩童濟世成神個案研究〉。《民俗曲藝》183 (2014.3): 7-69
Mei Hui-yu. “The Practice of Incorporation in Society: A Case Study of a Spirit Medium’s Life History.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 183 (2014.3): 7-69.



This article explores local Anping sociality with a systematic perspective as well as from an agent’s point-of-view. I provide a thick description of the Anping phenomenon with scholarly discourse on social memory and concept of bodily practice. I offer a new attempt to inset Taiwanese society by exploring a spirit medium’s (tangki) life history inset between personal experience and social tradition.
I have followed the case as a participant observer for more than twenty years. The spirit medium, Phang-íng’s impressive career, his posthumous apotheosis, and the rich ritual repertoire of the community embody Anping people’s practice of the incorporation of the local tradition. The substance of the Anping local tradition is constituted by collective memory or recollection. Phang-íng’s case of apotheosis is interpreted within the constructed context of social memory. His performance as a spirit medium is a result of the interaction between daily practice and local tradition. That places Phang-íng’s personal narrative in a part of an interconnected narrative embedded in the group’s collective identity memory. The case of Phang-íng illustrates how an individual and his group are interwoven, and how they represent the local tradition of a larger society.
Due to individual variations, the local tradition does not remain unchanged. On the other hand, it is sustained because of the nature of the individual’s community. The two sides maintain a dialectical inter-subjectivity. The Anping society is not a static one, but a constantly changing, evolving, and inter-determining entity, where the local people's past and collectivity are represented and constructed through incorporating practice.