

唐蕙韻。〈乩示中的神、靈與儀式、習俗的系統關係:金門中堡威靈殿張公壇乩示紀實〉。《民俗曲藝》183 (2014.3): 71-138
Tang Hui-yun. “Systematic Relation between the Supernatural and Religious Practices: A Report on Duke Zhang’s Spirit-writing Session in Kinmen.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 183 (2014.3): 71-138.


This article is based on my observation of an altar with private-own features yet maintaining a public, community status. I induce from the devotees’ pleas to the deities and responses from the spirit-writing, the role and function of characters in the village’s supernatural world. The dialectic of the mutually defined relationship found between their function and religious activities offers a glimpse into the structural layout of Kinmen’s folk religion built upon domestic daily worship and temple sacrifices. The structure usually remains well hidden under average people’s daily worships and ritual customs, executed unknowingly, following the example of a public cult. This rarely mentioned or explained structure only manifests when a person pleads to the altar after some unusual occurrences. Through the spirit-writing, the yin/yang principle of the occurrence and the relations of the gods and ghosts involved are illuminated in context.

Spirit mediums guide their bewildered visitors of the altar to visit temples or participate in rituals that pacify wandering souls. The visitors are instructed or led to comprehend the character and function of the ones worshipped. With the initiation of his or her religious cognition, the individual turns from a lay man into a believer. His or her integration into this built-in structure of devotees’ life, local custom and liturgies enhances the steady perpetuation of the religious custom.