of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore
(Min-su ch’ü-i 民俗曲藝)
No. 179, March 2013
鹿港郭氏家族在傳統厝屋彩繪作品之人物圖像來源研究 (A
Study of the Sources of the Human Figures in the Traditional House Painting
Works by the Kuo Clan in Lukang)
(Image, Representation, and Commodity: Contemporary Manifestations of Flying
Fish Culture among the Tao in Orchid
Island )
中西即興戲劇脈絡中的歌仔戲「做活戲」──藝術定位、研究視野與劇場運用 (“Spontaneous
Performance” in Taiwanese Opera in the Context of Improvisational Theater:
Artistic Position, Research Perspective, and Dramatic Practice)
番平千萬不通行?——閩南「過番歌」中的歷史記憶與勸世話語 (Never Go to
Nanyang? The Historical Memories and Exhortation in the Keh-huan-gua from Southern Fujian )
關於七星板 (On
the “Seven-star Board”)
Research Papers
蔡雅蕙、徐明福。〈鹿港郭氏家族在傳統厝屋彩繪作品之人物圖像來源研究〉。《民俗曲藝》179 (2013.3): 1-74。
Ya-hui and Hsu Min-fu. "A Study of the Sources of the Human Figures in the
Traditional House Painting Works by the Kuo Clan in Lukang." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
Folklore 179 (2013.3): 1-74.
楊政賢。〈意象、藝像與商品:蘭嶼達悟族飛魚文化的當代顯像〉。《民俗曲藝》179 (2013.3): 75-121。
Cheng-hsien. "Image, Representation, and Commodity: Contemporary
Manifestations of Flying Fish Culture among the Tao in Orchid Island ."
Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
Folklore 179 (2013.3): 75-121.
林鶴宜。〈中西即興戲劇脈絡中的歌仔戲「做活戲」:藝術定位、研究視野與劇場運用〉。《民俗曲藝》179 (2013.3): 123-84。
Ho-yi. "’Spontaneous Performance’ in Taiwanese Opera in the Context of
Improvisational Theater: Artistic Position, Research Perspective, and Dramatic
Practice." Journal of Chinese Ritual,
Theatre and Folklore 179 (2013.3): 123-84.
柯榮三。〈番平千萬不通行?—閩南「過番歌」中的歷史記憶與勸世話語〉。《民俗曲藝》179 (2013.3): 185-222。
Jung-san. "Never Go to Nanyang? The Historical Memories and Exhortation in
the Keh-huan-gua from Southern Fujian ." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 179 (2013.3):
謝明良。〈關於七星板〉。《民俗曲藝》179 (2013.3): 223-43。
Ming-liang. "On the ‘Seven-star Board.’" Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 179 (2013.3):