簡銘宏。〈試探一項平埔族習俗的解讀〉。《民俗曲藝》180 (2013.6): 217-74。
Ming-hung. "A Tentative Interpretation of a Pingpu Custom." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
Folklore 180 (2013.6): 217-74.
the Qing dynasty officials traveled to Taiwan , the exotic cultural
phenomena of the aboriginal people became a favorite theme in their writings.
Customs of the Pingpu “tamed aboriginals,” in particular, were cited repeatedly
in essays or anecdotal anthologies. Remarks of natives in Taiwan bathing
after childbirth were offered in the Ming Wanli era. This Pingpu custom that
goes against the Han practice had been documented throughout the Qing dynasty.
Many of the writers emphasized that the Pingpu people believed that bathing in
streams drove away evil spirits and diseases, and that it had become part of
their culture.
the Pingpu traditional culture and belief could have adapted to the actual
changes of living environments, private anecdotes and correspondences indicate
that belief in the efficacy of bathing might have been influenced by
Christianity introduced during the Dutch era. I have since combed through the
Spanish and Dutch archives between 1624 and 1662, and learned that the background
of this custom appears to be related to the epidemic of smallpox, and that the
traditional Pingpu cognition of diseases have integrated the Christianity
concepts of disease. Due to various reasons, the correct Christianity notion
(of baptism) failed to instill into the Pingpu cognitive thinking. After the
Spanish and Dutch left Taiwan ,
the Pingpu people turned this altered cognition of diseases into their
collective memory and daily custom. I argue that the Pingpu people confuse
Christian ritual of baptism with the folklore of water’s purifying power. They
developed an imitative practice accordingly. It has become one distinguishing
feature of writings about aboriginal customs since the Qing dynasty.