Ya-hui and Hsu Min-fu. "A Study of the Sources of the Human Figures in the
Traditional House Painting Works by the Kuo Clan in Lukang." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
Folklore 179 (2013.3): 1-74.
本文主要以郭氏家族於 1866年至 1958年期間,所遺留厝屋彩繪作品中之人物圖像為主要研究對象,透過田野調查及文獻比對的主要研究方法,探討郭氏人物圖像的主題、題材及圖稿之來源。內容包括:(1)調查鹿港郭氏於1866至1958年間的厝屋作品、籌建者之背景資料及彩繪人物主題。(2)歸納人物圖像之題材。(3)探究人物圖像之圖稿來源及其運用。
Kuo clan has been well known in central Taiwan
for their professional painting works prior to Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan . Their
painting works are highly skilled and have a delicate and elegant style.
Although none of Kuo clan’s descendants currently continues to take up painting
work, the Kuo clan’s contributions to Taiwan ’s traditional house
paintings are still extraordinary.
article is to study the human figures in the house painting works by the Kuo
clan from 1866 to 1958. We have undertaken a field study and literature
comparison to investigate into the human figures’ themes, contents, and
sources. Three dimensions are included: (1) to investigate into Kuo clan’s
house works from 1866 to 1958, the founders’ backgrounds, and the themes of the
human figures in the paintings; (2) to conclude the contents of the human
figures; (3) to investigate the sources and applications of the model paintings
or drawings for the human figures.
investigating the above three dimensions, we believe that not many of the Kuo’s
human figure works have specific themes that emblem the house owners’
backgrounds or the purposes of the paintings.
the works have adopted traditional model paintings, the works have their own
personal styles but are not literal imitations. These works require valuable
art skills that can establish characteristics of a Taiwan ’s house painting school and
form a foundation of architectural esthetics.