Cheng-hsien. "Image, Representation, and Commodity: Contemporary
Manifestations of Flying Fish Culture among the Tao in Orchid Island ."
Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
Folklore 179 (2013.3): 75-121.
Kuroshio, passing by Orchid
Island , has rendered the
island rich in marine resources, including migratory fishes such as “flying
fish” (Cheilopogon) and “dolphin
fish” (Coryphaena hippurus). Flying
fish are not only an important marine resource and cultural food, but also
commonly used for gift exchange in local society. From the Kuroshio fishery,
the Tao people developed such ocean cultural tradition as a seafood diet,
fish-based social exchange, and a unique “people-fish network.”
the Tao of Orchid Island place much importance on the flying fish and the
related festivities. They even perceive the ocean and distinguish between
seasons from the perspective of flying fish. In this paper, I will introduce
the historical context of traditional “people-fish network” among the Tao. By
examining the cultural mechanisms of deification, personification, and
commodification of the flying fish, I intend to analyze the varied implications
of flying fish as symbols (divinity), representations (ethnicity), and
commodities (commerce). The following aspects of flying fish culture will be
investigated: first, the cultural image of origin myth about the fish and the
Tao; second, the ethnic artistic representation of the fish portrayed in public
or modern arts; third, the functional diversion of the fish into monetary
economy and market mechanism. Eventually, this article attempts to further
illuminate the contemporary significance and cultural landscape of flying fish
on Orchid Island .