萬煜瑤。〈物質性、符號與美感所在:陶壺世界的感知詮釋〉。《民俗曲藝》176 (2012.6): 15-65。
Material forms and objects have the capability to affect the way people think of time and space in order to interpret their existence. With aims to analyze perceptual experience and value of the ancient pottery of the Paiwan culture, there are three major research perspectives of this study: first, visual perspective, to analyze visualization and internals of ceramics and pottery as materialized symbols; second, textual perspective, to interpret the symbolic prototype of ancient pottery as related to human beings, objects, and the interspaces of the world; third, perspective of practicality and art creation, to discuss cultural experience, and aesthetic perception of contemporary Indigenous artists through narrative analysis and observations of pottery making. Accordingly, this study addresses issues as how ancient pottery in the Paiwan culture was culturally encoded, interpreted, practiced, and experienced sensationally beyond materialization as cultural objects related to human existence. Moreover, this study offers a new way of interpretation and appreciation of Indigenous aesthetics and cultural locus.
Also in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:
萬煜瑤。〈排灣族藝術圖像中「人」的形體與意象分析:從神話與雕刻談起〉。《民俗曲藝》161 (2008.9): 135-84。
Wan Yuh-yao. “Form and Image of Human in Paiwan Art Patterns: From Myths and Carvings.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 161 (2008.9): 135-84.