Special issue on “Objects, Local Knowledge, and Notions of Space”
王嵩山。〈導論:物、地方知識與空間觀〉。《民俗曲藝》176 (2012.6): 1-14。
Wang Sung-shan. “Introduction: Objects, Local Knowledge, and Notions of Space.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 176 (2012.6): 1-14.
Articles in this special issue
萬煜瑤。〈物質性、符號與美感所在:陶壺世界的感知詮釋〉。《民俗曲藝》176 (2012.6): 15-65。
Wan Yuh-yao. “Materiality, Symbol,
and Aesthetic Locus: Perceptual Interpretation of Paiwan Pottery.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
Folklore 176 (2012.6): 15-65.
Huang Jan-yen. “The Cultural
Performance of Yoiyama in Gion Festival in Kyoto and the Space.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 176 (2012.6):
蔡侑樺、徐明福。〈日治時期北港朝天宮建築空間之變遷〉。《民俗曲藝》176 (2012.6): 115-92。
Tsai Yu-hua and Hsu Min-fu. “The
Spatial Transition of Peikang Matsu Temple
during the Japanese Governed Period in Taiwan .” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 176 (2012.6):
張育銓。〈遺產做為一種空間識別:花蓮豐田社區的遺產論述〉。《民俗曲藝》176 (2012.6): 193-231。
Chang Yu-chuan. “Heritage as Space
Identification: Heritage Discourse of Fengtian Community, Hualien.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
Folklore 176 (2012.6): 193-231.
王梅霞、伊婉.貝林。〈「文化動起來」︰賽德克族文化產業的研究〉。《民俗曲藝》176 (2012.6): 233-86。
Wang Mei-hsia and Iwan Pelin.
“‘Activating the Sediq Culture’: A Study of Cultural Industry in a Sediq
Community.” Journal of Chinese Ritual,
Theatre and Folklore 176 (2012.6): 233-86.