

黃貞燕。〈京都祇園祭宵山的文化展演與空間〉。《民俗曲藝》176 (2012.6): 67-113
Huang Jan-yen. “The Cultural Performance of Yoiyama in Gion Festival in Kyoto and the Space.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 176 (2012.6): 67-113.



Space is where cultural performances are carried out; and through movements and actions within a space, people perform and create ritual or festival. This paper attempts to investigate space in the light of cultural anthropology to examine the socio-cultural context of the “Yoiyama” 宵山 in the Gion Festival in Kyoto, and to analyze its spatial construction through the following aspects: the material space, where this cultural performance was carried out, and the form and meaning of it; actions within the space, how people executed this rite and what objects were used; and lastly, how did space and actions relate and work together. This paper discusses the differences in spatial constructions of “Kaijokazari” 會所飾 and “Byobumatzuri” 屏風祭 in Yoiyama, and the differences of their reactions against modernization. We also see in this case study, as Gion Festival had been selected as a Cultural Property, that maintenance of the form of the space, the pattern of performance and some objects used in Yoiyama, are considered essentials to the inheritance of the festival, for their role as agents to maintain the identity of the core community, and as symbols of the continuation of tradition.