林鋒雄。〈臺灣省地方戲劇協進會出版刊物《臺灣地方戲劇》中的戲劇史料〉。《民俗曲藝》171 (2011.3): 253-90。
Lin Fong-hsiung. “Theatrical Resources in Taiwan Local Theatre.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 171 (2011.3): 253-90.
民國 41年,中華民國政府高舉反共抗俄國策的年代,由黨政機關主導成立的臺灣省地方戲劇協進會,一方面有貫徹政府意志,輔導民間劇團演出方向的工作,一方面是匯集民間劇團與演藝人員的力量,共謀生存、福利與發展的平臺,實際上具有同業公會的性質與功能。因此,臺灣省地方戲劇協進會在民國 40年代公開出版發行的刊物,《臺灣地方戲劇》具有上述的雙重特性,在研究臺灣戲劇史的人眼中,當然是少有的重要文獻。筆者從所見《臺灣地方戲劇》中,編輯得(甲)劇團 66團,包括歌仔戲、亂彈戲、九甲 戲、話劇、歌舞團、雜技團等等演藝團體。是在 1952–1953年間,積極尋求演出的有經營者姓名的劇團名錄。(乙)戲院 37所,這是在 1952–1953年間,提供臺灣民間表演藝術演出的商業劇場,有經營者、地址、乃至電話號碼等資料。(丙)美術佈景畫房 2所,是專業化繪畫製作機關布景的畫房工廠。(丁)專業製作戲劇服裝的綉庄 1所。筆者所見的《臺灣地方戲劇》劇團介紹專欄,先後介紹臺北黑貓歌舞團、麥寮拱樂社、高雄高月劇團、蝴蝶歌舞團、都馬劇團等五個演藝團體。都是在 1952–1953年間,劇團活躍期當下報導的第一手資料。藝人介紹專欄,先後介紹藝人 32名。是撰寫臺灣優伶史或臺灣優伶研究時,應閱讀的基礎文獻。筆者所見的《臺灣地方戲劇》中,有名劇團公演介紹專欄表,筆者結合做成〈名劇團公演介紹(民國 41–42年劇團劇院演出旬表)〉附錄於文末。筆者所見的《臺灣地方戲劇》雖然僅有五期,卻充分反映了二次大戰後,中華民國政府對臺灣民間演戲的態度,也見證了戰後臺灣民間商業劇場的形成與不分城鄉的發展。
During the period when the Taiwanese government championed with much vigor its anti-communist/anti-Soviet national policies, the Taiwan Provincial Local Theatre Association came into being in 1941. Its establishment was dominated by the KMT organizations. On the one hand, it carried out the government’s determination to steer the direction of civil theater troupes’ productions. On the other hand, it was a platform where combined the troupes and artists in strengths to gain their living, welfare, and development, very similar to a guild in its nature and function. Therefore, the Taiwan Local Theatre published by the Taiwan Provincial Local Theatre Association also possesses the two-folded features mentioned above. In the eyes of theatre history scholars, it provides rare and important documents. From the Taiwan Local Theatre, I have collated a) Sixty-six troupes with their managers’ names. They include goa-a, luan-tan, jiujia, stage plays, musical theatres, and acrobatic troupes that actively sought performance opportunities between 1952-1953. b) Thirty-seven theatres with information of the managers, addresses, and telephone numbers . These were commercial theatres that provided stages for local performances. c) Two stage setting factories that produced artistic scenery background professionally. d) Two embroidery workshops that provided tailored costumes for theatres. The Theatre Column in the Taiwan Local Theatre introduced five performance art troupes, including Taipei Black Cat Musical Company, Mailiao Gongle Society, Gaoxiong Gaoyue Theatrical Company, the Butterfly Musical Company and the Duma Theatrical Company. These are first-hand information documented in between 1952-1953. Artists Column had introduced 32 performing artists. It is the basic material for studying the history of Taiwanese actors and actresses. There is also a column that announced performance schedules of famous troupes, which I compiled into a chart in the appendix. Even though the Taiwan Local Theatre had only published five issues, it reflected the Taiwanese government’s attitude towards local theatre and witnessed the birth and eventual booming of commercial theatres in postwar Taiwan .