

Special issue on "The Transmission of Chinese Theatre" 

蔡欣欣。〈前言〉。《民俗曲藝》170 (2010.12): 1-4
Tsai Hsin-hsin. “Preface.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 170 (2010.12): 1-4.


Articles in this special issue

王馗。〈山西上黨賽社演出中的行業變遷與演劇形態〉。《民俗曲藝》170 (2010.12): 7-79
Wang Kui. “The Occupational Transition and Theatrical Pattern of the Saishe Performance in Shangdang, Shanxi.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 170 (2010.12): 7-79.
蔡欣欣。〈萌生與交疊:臺灣「拋採茶」之歷史景觀、表演套式與源流演化探析〉。《民俗曲藝》170 (2010.12): 81-141
Tsai Hsin-hsin. “The History, Performing Style, and Origin of “Throwing a Tea Basket” in Taiwan.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 170 (2010.12): 81-141.
徐亞湘。〈從外江到國劇:論臺灣民間京劇傳統的形成與失落〉。《民俗曲藝》170 (2010.12): 143-76
Hsü Ya-hsiang. “From 'Waijiang' to “National Opera”: Study of Traditional Taiwanese Folk Style Peking Opera.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 170 (2010.12): 143-76.
張儷瓊。〈從「以箏托腔」到「器寫人聲」:論河南箏樂對曲劇音樂之吸收與借鑑〉。《民俗曲藝》170 (2010.12): 177-231
Chang Li-chiung. “From Accompaniment to Vocal Imitation: The Adaptation and Application of Quju Music in Henan Zheng Music.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 170 (2010.12): 177-231.
蕭翡斐。〈印尼泗水的「鳳德軒」廟宇布袋戲團發展史〉。《民俗曲藝》170 (2010.12): 233-81
Xiao Feifei (Olivia). “History of Affiliation with the Fengdexuan Temple Puppet Theatre Troupe in Surabaya, Indonesia.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 170 (2010.12): 233-81.