

謝世忠。〈世界文化遺產中的人物:馬六甲找鄭和〉。《民俗曲藝》171 (2011.3): 211-51
Hsieh Shih-chung. “On a Special Historic Figure in World Cultural Heritage: Searching for Cheng Ho in Melaka.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 171 (2011.3): 211-51. 


Melaka, the port city of Malaysia, was recognized as a world cultural heritage (WCH) on July 7, 2008. Cheng Ho, one of the greatest navigators in the world, had visited this place eight times in the 15th century. In the past three decades, several unhappy events occurred. First of all an old statue of Cheng Ho in the temple had been stolen in the 80s; the government had a plan to re-develope Mt. San-pao, the most important graveyard of Chinese immigrants almost at the same time, but people found no place to house a newly-manufactured huge stone statue in the 90s. The red statehouse located on the eastern bank of the Melaka River is a “must see” classic Netherlands building for tourists, but more and more houses and stores on the western bank were painted red under commercial considerations. A “Cheng Ho WCH network” had been established by a private Cheng Ho Cultural Museum in western bank whose aim was for business. On the other hand, a situation of “Cheng Ho WCH net-losing” on the eastern side arose because of neglect among most of the Chinese residents. This particular enterprise in western bank fully takes advantage of WCH as a key base for exaggerating Cheng Ho’s position in relation to the business itself. Even though the network operated by the CHCM is separated from the orthodox network consisting by Mt. San-pao, Pao-shan Temple, old and new Cheng Ho statues, and a public Gallery of Admiral Cheng Ho opened in 2004, the former is getting more benefits through commercial success, and the latter has been becoming a net-losing due to unwelcoming attitude from Malay’s Islamic ideology and inattention of Chinese community. In the long run both the mountain and the temple have lost their opportunity to become sacred sites by means of tourism of WCH. Now they are likely to be marginal as tourist sites in Melaka.

Also in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:

謝世忠。〈「王」的禁忌與熱門:Sipsong Panna王國的觀光再生〉。《民俗曲藝》191 (2016.3): 219-52
Hsieh Shih-chung. “When a Taboo Becomes Hot Issue: On the Re-birth of Kingdom of Sipsong Panna under Touristic Situation.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 191 (2016.3): 219-52.

謝世忠。〈鬚髯的能與藝:北海道愛努族的兩性和儀式〉。《民俗曲藝》182 (2013.12): 99-148
Hsieh Shih-chung. “Beards and Whiskers: On the Gender and Ritual of Ainu People in Hokkaido.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 182 (2013.12): 99-148.

謝世忠。〈時空旅行過後的民族學資料:國立臺灣大學人類學系所藏之海南島黎族物像〉。《民俗曲藝》166 (2009.12): 315-60
Hsieh Shih-chung. “Ethnological Materials under Changing Socio-political Context: On the Ethnographic Collections of the Li People of Hainan Island in the Department of Anthropology, NTU.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 166 (2009.12): 315-60.

謝世忠。〈異、色、毒:北東南亞山地族群的觀光圖像〉。《民俗曲藝》157 (2007.9): 11-64
Hsieh Shih-chung. “Exoticism, Eroticism, and Drugs: Touristic Images of Tribal Peoples in Northern Mainland Southeast Asia.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 157 (2007.9): 11-64.