M. Walden. “A Drum, a Gong, and a
Lion: Three Decades of Culturally Diverse Music Education in International and Canadian Schools .” Journal of Chinese Ritual,
Theatre and Folklore 203 (2019.3): 35-72.
珍妮佛.M.瓦爾登。〈鼓、鑼及獅子:三十年來在國際學校及加拿大學校的多元文化音樂教育〉。《民俗曲藝》203 (2019.3): 35-72。
paper is an autoethnographical exploration of the development of a culturally
diverse music program over the course of 30 years. It describes a journey
beginning with a Eurocentric music education training program at university and
the subsequent experiences that inculcated changes in perspective, beliefs,
methods, and pedagogy. It is based on first hand encounters with diverse music
cultures while concurrently teaching music in international schools in eight
different countries. The article traces the development of philosophical
perspectives and methodological observations as the author progresses from
beginning music teacher to educator promoting engagement in culturally diverse
music. With focus specific ally on
Chinese music and the Chinese lion dance, it looks at experiences with changing
student populations and host countries, curricular integration,
interdisciplinary approaches, contextual considerations, cross-cultural fusion,
and development of engaged diverse music pedagogy. Aspects such as time periods
and corresponding research on educational practice are considered, culminating
in a reflective conclusion of how early experiences with Chinese music have
prevailed as a popular genre, across cultures and ages in international and
Canadian schools.