
CONTENTS OF NO. 194 (December 2016)

Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (Min-su ch’ü-i 民俗曲藝)
No. 194, December 2016
1960年代「牡丹桂閩劇團」新加坡演出印記 (Mu Dan Gui Min Theater Troupe’s Performances in Singapore in the 1960s)
閩客潮箏曲《出水蓮》的地緣背景及演奏流變:以張學海、饒寧新、林毛根三個演奏版本為例 (The Geo-relational Background and Performance Variations of the Piece “Lotus” in Minnan, Hakka, and Chaozhou Zheng Music: On the Three Versions of Zhang Xuehai, Rao Ningxin, and Lin Maogen)
道教的「受生填還」儀式:以四川《廣成儀制》為中心的考察 (Pay-back (Shousheng Tianhuan): A Taoist Ritual and a Case Study of the Guangcheng Yizhi Tradition)
臺灣客家研究中的東南亞視野 (A General Review of the Development of Southeast Asian Hakka Studies in Taiwan)


Research Papers 

蔡欣欣。〈1960年代「牡丹桂閩劇團」新加坡演出印記〉。《民俗曲藝》194 (2016.12): 1-51
Tsai Hsin-hsin. "Mu Dan Gui Min Theater Troupe’s Performances in Singapore in the 1960s." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 194 (2016.12): 1-51.

張儷瓊。〈閩客潮箏曲《出水蓮》的地緣背景及演奏流變:以張學海、饒寧新、林毛根三個演奏版本為例〉。《民俗曲藝》194 (2016.12): 53-112
Chang Li-chiung. "The Geo-relational Background and Performance Variations of the Piece “Lotus” in Minnan, Hakka, and Chaozhou Zheng Music: On the Three Versions of Zhang Xuehai, Rao Ningxin, and Lin Maogen." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 194 (2016.12): 53-112.
蔣馥蓁。〈道教的「受生填還」儀式:以四川《廣成儀制》為中心的考察〉。《民俗曲藝》194 (2016.12): 113-54
Chiang Fu-chen. "Pay-back (Shousheng Tianhuan): A Taoist Ritual and a Case Study of the Guangcheng Yizhi Tradition." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 194 (2016.12): 113-54.

Research Note

劉堉珊。〈臺灣客家研究中的東南亞視野〉。《民俗曲藝》194 (2016.12): 155-207
Liu Yu-shan. "A General Review of the Development of Southeast Asian Hakka Studies in Taiwan." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 194 (2016.12): 155-207.