

蔡欣欣。〈1960年代「牡丹桂閩劇團」新加坡演出印記〉。《民俗曲藝》194 (2016.12): 1-51
Tsai Hsin-hsin. "Mu Dan Gui Min Theater Troupe’s Performances in Singapore in the 1960s." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 194 (2016.12): 1-51.


After the Pacific War, the Taiwanese kua-a opera resumed its commercial performances in Southeast Asia. Mu Dan Gui Min Theater Troupe, because many of its members were famous actors and actresses, became a theater troupe that figured most prominently in the history of Taiwanese opera. It was founded in 1964 by Chen Feishan and Huang Xi. Their basic members were enlisted from the Zhonghua Xing Theater Troupe of Tainan, and additional eleven ones from the North. Upon examining the inter-personal relations between members of Mu Dan Gui, New Taiguang (1962), and Baihua (1964) Min Theater Troupes, one may detect a certain network that will help us explore the troupe-hiring mechanism and patterns of troupe members’ composition in Singapore and Malaysia. In this study, I employ the “triple evidence” strategy. By integrating evidences from newspaper archives and journal articles, actual objects such as photos, vinyl records, and theater bills, field investigation, and oral history interview records, I sort out the history of the mechanism of Taiwanese kua-a opera troupes’ overseas performances, composition of the troupe members, the theater environment, genres of opera, and vinyl recordings in Singapore. I reconstruct the historical scenario of Mu Dan Gui’s engagements overseas and bridge up gaps of its dissemination history in Southeast Asia.

Also in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:

蔡欣欣。〈試論奠基歌仔戲活戲養分的「真本歌仔」《山伯英臺》〉。《民俗曲藝》181 (2013.9): 97-166
Tsai Hsin-hsin. “On the Foundation of Improvisation in Taiwanese Koa Opera: 'Genuine Koa,' Shanbo and Yintai.Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 181 (2013.9): 97-166.

蔡欣欣。〈萌生與交疊:臺灣「拋採茶」之歷史景觀、表演套式與源流演化探析〉。《民俗曲藝》170 (2010.12): 81-141
Tsai Hsin-hsin. “The History, Performing Style, and Origin of “Throwing a Tea Basket” in Taiwan.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 170 (2010.12): 81-141.