何兆華。〈當「做花」成「做人」:施洞苗族非物質文化遺產之傳承與變遷〉。《民俗曲藝》185 (2014.9): 51-114。
Zhao-hua. “When 'Making Motifs'
Becomes 'Making a Person': Continuity and Change of Shidong Miao Intangible
Cultural Heritage.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 185 (2014.9): 51-114.
paper presents an ethnographic study on intangible cultural heritage of Shidong
Miao society in Southeastern
Guizhou Province .
It aims to describe how Miao women and silversmiths transform themselves from
local elites into transmitters of intangible cultural heritage. It also
explores how these individuals construct cultural capital through making and
promoting embroidery and silver accessories in Shidong Miao society. This paper
explores the making of embroidery and silver accessory motifs which are the
core traditional handicrafts of Shidong Miao and how, as a means to protect
social status and achieve a higher social position, Shidong Miao people are
strengthening their publicity and turning the production of intangible cultural
heritage into businesses. Making money and training younger generation are two
different duties for transmitters. In the production of embroidery,
transmitters focus on both making money and transforming the system of
transmittance from mother to daughter into a company network. Among
silversmiths, transmitters pay more attention to passing techniques to the next
generation via a father-son system and make efforts to contain these skills
within a single household. This paper will present four aspects of intangible
cultural heritage from Shidong. First, I will briefly recount the history of
techniques for “making motifs” and decorative expression in embroidery and on
silver accessories in the Shidong Miao tradition. Second, I will examine and
analyze a number of embroidery and silver accessory images and explore the
changes to motifs to provide an understanding of how classical images have been
represented through different periods. Third, I will explore how transmitters
portray their social and cultural capital through performance and in social
relationships. Lastly, by situating Shidong Miao society within its historical
context, I will provide an interpretation of the impact intangible cultural
heritage transmitters have on Miao society through their political and economic