

黃萍瑛。〈當代埔里鸞生的宗教生活:以育化堂女鸞為考察中心〉。《民俗曲藝》184 (2014.6): 279-334
Huang Ping-ying. “The Religious Life of Contemporary Female Disciples of the Phoenix: A Case Study of Yuhua Tang in Puli.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 184 (2014.6): 279-334.


There have been quite a few studies of phoenix halls in Taiwan. Yet rarely did they concentrate on the female disciples of the phoenix or their participation in the phoenix hall’s matters. Phoenix halls constitute a majority of the sectarian religion in Puli. In these phoenix halls, the number of female disciples largely exceeds that of the males. Obviously, we need an in-depth investigation on the female disciples of phoenix to render a more comprehensive picture of the phoenix hall system. In this study, I investigate senior female disciples of phoenix in the Yuhua tang in Puli, Nantou to depict their religious life, hoping to contribute to our understanding of the phoenix halls and women’s religious lives.
I start with a general introduction of the Yuhua tang, describe the age and gender distribution of the disciples of the phoenix, their motivation to become such disciples, and their time of initiation. Secondly, I give an account of the induction of these senior phoenix hall disciples, their hardship of apprenticeship and moral cultivation, their joy of religious life. Through participatory observation of the Yuhua tang’s regular activities, such as birthdays of general deities (for example, God of City and Moat), birthday of the main deity (Emperor Guan), and the 7th day of every lunar month (ritual day of the spirit-writing), I portray the circumstances of the disciples’ participation, both male and female, and the gender differences in their religious practices. Finally, I comment on the “invisibility” of the female disciples of phoenix. One of their principle religious practices is reciting scripture. It is also the familiar stereotype the society as a whole regards senior woman. Perhaps just because of that, people ignore or disregard the importance of such practice. While the male disciples of phoenix almost never recite scripture, the diligent scripture-reciting of their counterparts is an important factor that complements their efforts in upholding the cult of the Enzhu (Benevolent Lord). To sum up, these senior women are able to reverse their disadvantaged societal status with their religious practices.

Also in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:

黃萍瑛。〈「接珠」唸佛風俗之性別文化初探:以閩西寧化石壁陳家村為例〉。《民俗曲藝》162 (2008.12): 23-83
Huang Ping-ying. “A Preliminary Investigation of Gender Culture as Seen in the 'Receiving the Rosary' Rituals as Performed in Chen Village, Shibi Town, Ninghua County.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 162 (2008.12): 23-83.