謝世忠。〈鬚髯的能與藝:北海道愛努族的兩性和儀式〉。《民俗曲藝》182 (2013.12): 99-148。
Hsieh Shih-chung. “Beards and Whiskers: On the Gender and Ritual of Ainu People in Hokkaido .” Journal of
Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 182 (2013.12): 99-148.
Ainu people are an indigenous people of Hokkaido ,
Japan .
Despite an environment disadvantaged by long-term discriminations and
assimilation policies, there remains in their society a mechanism that upholds
Ainu identity. The mechanism, solid and yet slightly mysterious, hinges on the
circumstances surrounding their ancestral offering rituals. Ancestral worship,
limited interruption for nearly 150 years, is the well-maintained living Ainu
culture during the era marked by political oppressions. Nowadays, even though
several popular Ainu festivities are evidently tourism-oriented, they still
conclude with a grand ancestral offering rite to proclaim their heritage. The
ancestral offering rites, pregnant with meanings of continuity and
regeneration, demonstrate religious objects and actions that are symbol of
powerful reproduction. The entire family and patri-lineal kindred care for and
nurture them, ensuring the perpetuation of their traditional worldview.
important religious symbol of curly bark strings called inau on a stick reflects the Ainu men’s tradition to wear long
beards. Women’s tattoo around their mouths represents enlargement of the birth
canal. Though not publicly represented in any corresponding rituals, the
women’s meticulous care of the soundness of inau
sticks is self-evident. When people use supposedly home-made liquor to irrigate
the long ancestral inau sticks and
the shorter inau sticks of living
males, the reproduction and prosperity of their entire population of a
particular patri-lineal group is guaranteed. In the rituals, potency and
artistry of men’s beard attest to the intimate relationship between the two
sexes of the Ainu people.
continuity of Ainu ethnicity depends on the cultural tradition maintained over
uncountable years, definitely instead of the sporadic ethnic campaigns or
social movements. Although the Ainu people were prohibited from worshipping
their deities since the day when Japanese began to colonize Hokkaido , they continued to worship their
ancestors. It is the very foundation that confirms their persistence of ethnic
identity. With attentive care, such a northern people with unclear origin help
to preserve the fountain of life for an everlasting ethnic lifeline in bitterly
cold territory.
in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
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Hsieh Shih-chung. “When a Taboo Becomes Hot
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Hsieh Shih-chung. “Ethnological Materials under Changing Socio-political Context: On the
Ethnographic Collections of the Li People of Hainan Island
in the Department of Anthropology, NTU.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and
Folklore 166 (2009.12): 315-60.
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Hsieh Shih-chung. “Exoticism, Eroticism, and Drugs: Touristic Images of Tribal Peoples in
Northern Mainland Southeast Asia .” Journal of
Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 157 (2007.9): 11-64.