(2013.12): 59-98。
Liou Lin-yu. “The Role of the
“Notifications of Music Selection” in the Course of Music Album Release between
the Taiwan Columbia Record Company and the Nippon Phonograph Co. (1930s-1940s).” Journal of
Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 182 (2013.12): 59-98.
Taiwan Columbia Selling Co. was colonial Taiwan ’s biggest music brand which
released the largest quantity of Taiwanese local music records before World War
II. Having investigated into the history of Taiwan Columbia Selling Co., we
find many “notifications of music selection,” which suffice for explaining the
workings of music release in its initial stage. Through these notifications,
among which precious official documents of internal circulation are also
included, we know that Taiwan Columbia Record Company negotiated wit h its
parent company, the Nippon Phonograph Co., over the standards of music
these “notifications of music selection” were mainly sent by the Taiwan
Columbia Selling Co. to Nippon Phonograph Co. for confirmation, we can read
from the negotiations for more information over division of work, the demand
for record quality and so on.
paper thus attempts to analyze these notifications and finds the following
results: (1) the roles of Taiwan Columbia Selling Co. and the Nippon Phonograph
Co. in the initiation of marketing plan of music records release, (2) the
procedures of Taiwanese local music’s production and release, (3) the
influences of the contemporary situation upon album release, especially the
official need for war-time propaganda. The above findings will help elucidate
the rise and fall of Taiwan Columbia Selling Co.