

傅寶玉。〈水利空間與地域建構:社子溪流域的水圳、祭典與儀式社群〉。《民俗曲藝》174 (2011.12): 359-416
Fu Bao-yu. “Irrigation and Territorial Construction: Sacrifice to the Deities of the Three Realms in Shezi Stream Basin.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 174 (2011.12): 359-416.



The Taoyuan terrace was a very dry region before the building of the Taoyuan Great Dam, but the sacrificial activities related to irrigation were relatively rare. The only sacrificial ritual to the dam founders was in Shezi Stream Basin as in babenbu Opera, a kind of Peace Opera popular in Taoyuan. Its close relation with irrigation reveals local people’s collective historical memory of the irrigation, and their interactive relationships derived from water control in early days.
This essay shows that the interactive networks and the babenbu sacrificial activities arising from the Sanqi Dam construction and management extended beyond the south dam and villages south to the river, to include both south and north villages on both sides of the river. However those in the northwest and southwest not included in the babenbu sacrifice formed another sacrificial circle. It shows that the irrigation facility as a social space has its own nature and experiences. Meanwhile it is influenced by other social factors such as cultivation, ethnicity, and state power. Therefore, only when the irrigation space is viewed in an integral social-historical context, can we grasp the territoriality of an irrigation society and the hydraulic spatiality of a territorial society. This essay investigates, by the case of a traditional water dam in Taoyuan terrace, the multi-layered social relationships through the lens of irrigation in the context of village development. This essay attempts to point out that the social groups (ethnic groups) in Taoyuan constantly define the ethnic relations and territorial boundaries through the representation of dam construction and related rituals.