

方令光。〈臺灣「觀音佛祖」的身世與崇拜圖式的成立:從艋舺龍山寺談起〉。《民俗曲藝》191 (2016.3): 153-217
Fang Ling-kuang. “On the Origin and Pattern of Cult of Guanyin Buddha in Taiwan: A Case Study of Monga Longshan Temple.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 191 (2016.3): 153-217.


The Monga Longshan Temple is the most important temple that worships Guanyin Buddha in Taiwan. Though originating from China, the popular belief in Guanyin underwent qualitative changes and developed a new type of cult in Taiwan. The new pattern of worship gradually spread to other temples. Based on my investigation from fieldwork, pictorial materials, and folk literature, I propose the following arguments. First, influenced by works of folk literature, such as Xiangshan baojuan, Nanhai Guanyin quanzhuan, Xiyou ji, etc., Guanyin followers in Taiwan generally believe that Princess Miaoshan who had left her home in search of spiritual cultivation eventually became Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva. Because her omnipotence and status equal those of a Buddha, she subjugated the eighteen arhats and others who later became her retinue of aides, and is referred respectfully as Guanyin Buddha. Second, The Guanyin Buddha of Taiwan is not a bodhisattva or Buddha in the Buddhist sense, but an omnipotent deity, whose image is not constructed from traditional Buddhist scriptures. It is a work based on folk literature that constantly highlights her almightiness and benevolence that serve as the critical factors of the Guanyin cult. Third, Guanyin followers in Taiwan invented two new types of shrines for Guanyin Buddha and her retinues. The combination of the statue of the deity and its shrine is a new pattern for the Guanyin cult. Fourth, this new pattern is inspired by folk literature, embodying people’s collective consciousness and rich in local colors. Fifth, the template shrine of Monga Longshan Temple led to the popularity of this new pattern of worship. The new pattern of cult is like a piece of history, which embodies the subtle circumstances of the Guanyin cult in Taiwan and reflects its diversity and creativity.