

Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (Min-su ch’ü-i 民俗曲藝
No. 177, September 2012 
儀式性質與歌舞系統:談馬蘭部落豐年祭歌舞的類型問題 (Ritual Character and Dance System: A Study on the Types of Falangaw New Year Ritual Dances)  
廣澤尊王遊臺灣:漢人民間信仰神明階序的結構與展演 (When the Reverent Lord of Broad Compassion Takes a Tour of Inspection in Taiwan: Hierarchy of Deities and Its Performance in Han Chinese Folk Religion)  
明清俗曲(小曲)之曲牌名附加語探究 (Investigation of the Tag-on Phrases of Ming-Qing Folk Tune Titles)
施洞苗族剪紙圖像上的戲曲與女性形象 (Theatrical and Female Figures on Shidong Miao Paper Stencil Images)

Research Papers

孫俊彥。〈儀式性質與歌舞系統:談馬蘭部落豐年祭歌舞的類型問題〉。《民俗曲藝》177 (2012.9): 1-55
Sun Chun-yen. "Ritual Character and Dance System: A Study on the Types of Falangaw New Year Ritual Dances." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 177 (2012.9): 1-55.

丁仁傑。〈廣澤尊王遊臺灣:漢人民間信仰神明階序的結構與展演〉。《民俗曲藝》177 (2012.9): 57-116
Ting Jen-chieh. "When the Reverent Lord of Broad Compassion Takes a Tour of Inspection in Taiwan: Hierarchy of Deities and Its Performance in Han Chinese Folk Religion." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 177 (2012.9): 57-116.

張繼光。〈明清俗曲(小曲)之曲牌名附加語探究〉。《民俗曲藝》177 (2012.9): 117-59
Chang Chi-kuang. "Investigation of the Tag-on Phrases of Ming-Qing Folk Tune Titles." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 177 (2012.9): 117-59.

何兆華。〈施洞苗族剪紙圖像上的戲曲與女性形象〉。《民俗曲藝》177 (2012.9): 161-221
Ho Zhao-hua. "Theatrical and Female Figures on Shidong Miao Paper Stencil Images." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 177 (2012.9): 161-221.