

陳俊斌。〈「民歌」再思考:從《重返部落》談起〉。《民俗曲藝》178 (2012.12): 207-71
Chen Chun-bin. “Rethinking Folksong: Based on a Restudy of Return to Tribal Villages.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 178 (2012.12): 207-71.



Taiwanese musicologists have paid attention to historical recordings these years, and some historical recordings have been reissued. For example, Kurosawa Takatomo’s LP set of Taiwanese Aboriginal music (published in 1974) based on the results of his 1943 survey was reissued on CDs in 2008, along with the book Listening to the Colony: Kurosawa Takatomo and the Wartime Survey of Formosan Music (1943) by Wang Ying-fen. The recordings of Amis music made at Hualien in the Folksong Collection Movement in 1967 were reissued on a two-CD set, accompanying a book edited by Wu Rong-shun et al. and published by Taiwan Music Center in 2010. This book is titled Return to Tribal Villages/Representation of Sounds: Professor Hsu Tsang-houei’s Classic Historical Recordings Collection 1: On Music of the Amis in Hualien County (hereafter Return to Tribal Villages). These CD sets allow us to examine the results of studies on Taiwanese Aboriginal music conducted by pioneer scholars. Wang Ying-fen calls this kind of examination “restudy.” In her book Listening to the Colony, she deals with reflexivity issues in Taiwan’s musicology based on a restudy of the results of Kurosawa’s research. In contrast, as the accompaniment of the 1967 field recordings, the book Return to Tribal Villages does not concern relevant theories and methodology; rather, authors of this book pay attention to gather and sort out materials related to the recordings. In this paper, I would like to restudy Return to Tribal Villages, and, furthermore, to rethink folksong studies in Taiwan, based on this restudy. I will begin with musical examples in the book as well as the accompanying CDs, and compare the recordings of the 1967 Folksong Collection with commercial recordings issued in the 1960s. By so doing, I discuss relationships between “folksong” and “popular song,” examine the construction of scholarly tradition of folksong studies, and consider the possible development of this tradition in the future.