
CONTENTS OF NO. 215 (March 2022)

Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (Min-su ch’ü-i 民俗曲藝)

No. 215, March 2022

南朝吳興項羽信仰的神蹟文本製作與國家地方之互動 (The Hagiography Production of Xiang Yu’s Cult in Wuxing and the Interaction between State and Local Society in the Southern Dynasties)

明清二形人的情慾困境與宗教解脫 (Erotic Dilemma and Religious Salvation of Erxing Ren in the Ming and Qing Dynasties)

往生歷程中音聲與影像感知之動態建構與破除:以諾那華藏精舍的中陰共修法會為例 (Dynamically Constructing and Destroying the Perception of Sounds and Images in the Process of Departing: The Case Study of the Intermediate-State Ritual of Nona Hwatsang Center)

民歌採集運動之餘韻:從1967年中國民歌比賽與全省客家民謠比賽談起 (A Study on the Lingering Impact of Folk Song Documentation Movement in 1967) 

Research Papers 


何維剛。〈南朝吳興項羽信仰的神蹟文本製作與國家地方之互動〉。《民俗曲藝》215(2022.3): 1-42

Ho Wei-kang. “The Hagiography Production of Xiang Yu’s Cult in Wuxing and the Interaction between State and Local Society in the Southern Dynasties.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 215(2022.3): 1-42.



張琬容。〈明清二形人的情慾困境與宗教解脫〉。《民俗曲藝》215(2022.3): 43-83

Zhang Wanrong. “Erotic Dilemma and Religious Salvation of Erxing Ren in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 215(2022.3): 43-83.



劉延芳。〈往生歷程中音聲與影像感知之動態建構與破除:以諾那華藏精舍的中陰共修法會為例〉。《民俗曲藝》215(2022.3): 85-127

Liou Yanfang. “Dynamically Constructing and Destroying the Perception of Sounds and Images in the Process of Departing: The Case Study of the Intermediate-State Ritual of Nona Hwatsang Center.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 215(2022.3): 85-127.



鍾繼儀。〈民歌採集運動之餘韻:從1967年中國民歌比賽與全省客家民謠比賽談起〉。《民俗曲藝》215(2022.3): 129-79

Chung Chi-yi. “A Study on the Lingering Impact of Folk Song Documentation Movement in 1967.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 215(2022.3): 129-79.
