謝博剛。〈走上回家的山徑,讓石板家屋升起煙來:由一趟臺東布農社群「尋根之旅」思考「文化資產」的認同與實踐〉。《民俗曲藝》210 (2020.12): 65-104。
Hsieh Po-kang. "Bunun’s Homecoming: Rethinking Ethnic Identity and the Practice of Cultural Heritage in the 'Return to Hahaul Action.'" Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 210 (2020.12): 65-104.
2000年以來,在第二波原運——部落主義的深化與國家政策背景下,陸續發起「傳統領域」調查,「尋根踏查」則是其中最重要的方法之一。2015年4月份起,筆者開始與臺東海端鄉布農族 Isnangkuan 家族重返舊部落進行尋根,並持續籌劃執行新武呂溪流域布農傳統家屋的測繪與尋根踏查的行動。發現過程中記憶敘事(narratives of the past)疊合於歷史地景(家屋、廢棄田園)的圖像,「身體」則是連結各種符碼的平臺,藉由感官經驗(例如:涼風、乾渴、徐行、痠痛……等)具體化並重組過去的記憶碎片。另一方面也在山徑之旅的當下創造出當代的共同記憶,不同的行動者在同一場域裡有其個別收穫,但也建立了彼此共融的經驗,整體強化了對於自身族群原住性(indigeneity)的認同,釐清在紛亂的後現代臺灣社會作為原住民個人與原住民族集體的位置,並進而產生後續的行動。
Against a backdrop of national policies and heightened
indigenous people’s (second wave) social movement since the 2000s, the
indigenous communities in
The purpose of this study is to deal with the following
questions. How does “homecoming” mean to contemporary indigenous people? What
value(s) is built through the homecoming trips and under what social context?
How do tangible and intangible cultural heritages anchor the stream of time?
How does one integrate cultural heritage into daily life through continuous