

張儷瓊。〈【玉連環】五箏譜之演奏及其文本間性探析〉。《民俗曲藝》210 (2020.12): 197-263

Chang Li-chiung. "Yulianhuan, Performance and Intertextuality among the Five Zheng Score Versions." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 210 (2020.12): 197-263.




This is a case study of the tune title Yulianhuan. I examine its scores in Guandong Han music, Chaozhou music, Minnan ancient music ensemble, beiguang music and the shisanyin (“thirteen sounds”), analyze its intertextuality, and probe into the variations between their musical pattern and content. According to my field work, the zheng scores of Yulianhuan, which make use of the jiahua (“embellishment”; literally “adding flowers”) technique, share a common background in the performance among local music genres in southern Fujian, eastern Guangdong, and Taiwan. Meanwhile, there also exists a significant degree of variations. The five pieces of Yulianhuan zheng scores I studied reflects that a tune often generates multiple versions. This phenomenon highlights the intricate intertextuality of cross-genre qupai relations. The three versions of Yulianhuan from southern Fujian, Hakka, and Chaozhou share a basic skeleton melody, while the two versions prevalent in the music genre system of Taiwan demonstrate more similarities to the southern Fujian rendition. The former derives from geographic and humanistic background; the latter a result of the immigration culture. The tune title Yulianhuan has not only circulated in different area and between different genres of music, it further translates into a text for zheng performance. The zheng music of Yulianhuan, born under the influence of musical genre variation, features the subjectivity and formal variations within the melody, rhythm, performing features, stylistic techniques, and interpretation, which subsequently enriches its intertextuality.


Also in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:


張儷瓊。〈閩客潮箏曲《出水蓮》的地緣背景及演奏流變:以張學海、饒寧新、林毛根三個演奏版本為例〉。《民俗曲藝》194 (2016.12): 53-112

Chang Li-chiung. "The Geo-relational Background and Performance Variations of the Piece “Lotus” in Minnan, Hakka, and Chaozhou Zheng Music: On the Three Versions of Zhang Xuehai, Rao Ningxin, and Lin Maogen." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 194 (2016.12): 53-112.



張儷瓊。〈客潮二派箏樂小曲之形質流變〉。《民俗曲藝》184 (2014.6): 155-227

Chang Li-chiung. “A Research on the Form and Character of Zheng Folk Tunes in Hakka and Chaozhou Music.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 184 (2014.6): 155-227.



張儷瓊。〈客家「串調」箏曲之研究〉。《民俗曲藝》175 (2012.3): 43-88
Chang Li-chiung. "A Study of Hakka Zheng Music Chuandiao." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 175 (2012.3): 43-88.


張儷瓊。〈從「以箏托腔」到「器寫人聲」:論河南箏樂對曲劇音樂之吸收與借鑑〉。《民俗曲藝》170 (2010.12): 177-231

Chang Li-chiung. “From Accompaniment to Vocal Imitation: The Adaptation and Application of Quju Music in Henan Zheng Music.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 170 (2010.12): 177-231.
