

潘汝端。〈高等教育體制下的北管傳習:以國立臺北藝術大學傳統音樂學系北管教學實踐為例〉。《民俗曲藝》203 (2019.3): 111-62
Pan Ju-tuan. “The Transmission of Beiguan in Higher Education in Taiwan: A Case Study of the Teaching of Beiguan in the Department of Traditional Music of Taipei National University of the Arts.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 203 (2019.3): 111-62.


Since the Japanese colonial period, the instructional objectives of music education in Taiwan’s schools at all levels have been mostly based on Western art music. This applies to general music courses, professional music studies, music programs for talented students, and music institutions within universities and colleges. This is reflected in the development of music education policy before the lifting of martial law in Taiwan. In the 1980s, due to the rising awareness of localization, a range of traditional arts started to be considered as worthy of being preserved, learned, and promoted. Therefore, the question of “what is Taiwan’s music?” has been asked by scholars. In 1995, the first department under the category of “traditional music” was established in Taiwan at Taipei National University of the Arts, thanks to the efforts of Professor Ma Shui-lung馬水龍 and Professor Lu Chui-kuan呂錘寬. Nanguan南管 and beiguan北管, genres originating from Taiwan’s grassroots, have become two important majors in the Department of Traditional Music. First, I will discuss how TNUA’s traditional music department transformed the Taiwanese traditional music genre of beiguan into a teaching practice in the formal educational system. Secondly, I will address the concept of the teaching system and its actual development. Thirdly, I will explore how the revival of beiguan through formal education should involve the communities where it came from and be futher revigorated.