

林芳誠。〈文化遺產的束縛或護衛?以阿米斯音樂節的文化實踐與創造能動性為例〉。《民俗曲藝》200 (2018.6): 137-200
Lin Fang-chen. “Safeguarding or Restraining Cultural Heritage? Cultural Practice and Agency of Creativity in the Amis Music Festival.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 200 (2018.6): 137-200.


對此,筆者以都蘭阿美族年齡組織於阿米斯音樂節(Amis Music Festival)籌辦與進行的過程為例,探討都蘭阿美人如何透過文化復振以及傳統領域抗爭事件為契機,促進年齡組織於日常期間運作的慣性。同時藉由與音樂節企劃公司共同辦理音樂節的過程中,透過年齡組織動員進行的各項展演、場域設計與建置,展現的文化創造能動性(agency of creativity),而使其成為部落與外在社會溝通(communicate)的媒介。藉此與臺灣《文化資產保存法》進行對話,在保護(protect)、保存(preservation)等概念的法律制度當中,因無形文化遺產具有的持續創造性質,在涉及文化權、人權的狀態下,都蘭阿美人如何以音樂節形態建立文化遺產護衛(safeguard)制度。
In this article, my discussion of the concept of “folklore” is based on its legal usage in the intangible cultural heritage categories of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act in Taiwan. I explore the relations between folklore and nation-state, through the dialogue effectuated by the measures taken by UNESCO in the 1970s and the inception of Taiwan’s Cultural Heritage Preservation Act and examine the relevance and limitation of the legal term “folklore.”
The case studied in this article is the Amis Music Festival, organized by the ‘Atolan Amis age groups. I discuss how the Amis people take opportunity of the cultural revival and traditional territory-reclaiming movements to promote the regular participation of public affairs by the age groups during non-festivity periods.
In collaboration with the musical management company to stage the music festival, the age groups organize and promote the performances, design and construct the site of event, through which they exhibit the agency of creativity of ‘Atolan Amis and become the medium with which the tribe communicates with the external society. I then conduct a dialogue with the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act. I argue that terms like “protection” and “preservation” in the legal system, restrain the development of the indigenous communities’ cultural rights and sovereignty. I also demonstrate how the ‘Atolan Amis employ the music festival to build a system that safeguards their cultural heritage.

Also in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:

林芳誠。〈法制化體系的保障或切割?以都蘭阿美人的歌舞實踐為例談無形文化遺產法制化體系與原住民族文化主體性的展現〉。《民俗曲藝》196 (2017.6): 15-83
Lin Fang-chen. “Protection or Excision? Legal System of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Representation of Indigenous Cultural Identity, a Case Study on the Songs and Dances of ‘Atolan Amis.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 196 (2017.6): 15-83.