

汪詩珮。〈潛跡與明蹤:清中葉《雷峰塔》傳奇演變新論〉。《民俗曲藝》199 (2018.3): 263-327
Wang Shih-pe. “The Underlain Footprints and Revealed Route: A Re-examination on the Development of Thunder Peak Pagoda in Mid-Qing.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 199 (2018.3): 263-327.


This paper aims to reconstruct the context of the theatrical transformation of Thunder Peak Pagoda in the light of the documents from the recently published collections and newly found actor’s manuscripts. It will modify the scholarly opinions about the famous literati Fang Chengpei’s edition, and try to propose a new way of looking at the development of the white snake drama in mid-Qing. Firstly, this paper has some things new to offer: a re-examination of the adaptation by Chen Jiayan (an actor) and his daughter, the finding of a note on the performance by the new troupe from the royal court in Beijing, and the discovery of some rare manuscripts of the full play or excerpts. New materials help us to rectify the concrete time-line of the transformation and transmission of Thunder Peak Pagoda. Secondly, this paper gives a detailed analysis of six excerpts of Thunder Peak Pagoda, which explains the interaction between the literati’s edition and actors’ revisions. The actors’ transmissions have their own inherited system, which means Fang’s revision did not necessarily play a crucial role. Lastly, the “formulation” of Thunder Peak Pagoda was likely to take place in 1780, when Qianlong Emperor went southward to Yangzhou, and the salt merchants assembled dozens of mingliu (famous masters of arts and literature) to revise the play to be performed in the front of the Emperor. Therefore, the development of white snake drama could be divided into three stages: 1) 1738–1768, the transformation of its plots and characters; 2) 1770–1780, the core period which marks its gradual maturity; 3) 1780, which indicates the formulation of actors’ version, causing its popularity in the theatre and court. To sum up, in the process of 42 years’ development of Thunder Peak Pagoda, besides the effects of the interaction among literati, actors, salt merchants, and the audience, the eventual core influence on how this play took shape was one specific audience, the highest ruler of the Empire and his court.

Also in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:

汪詩珮。〈文本詮釋與文化翻譯:元雜劇《老生兒》及其域外傳播〉。《民俗曲藝》189 (2015.9): 9-62
Wang Shih-pe. “Textual Interpretation and Cultural Translation: Yuan Drama Lao Sheng Er and Its Transmission to England.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 189 (2015.9): 9-62.

汪詩珮。〈文心百變與經典轉化:從《荊釵記》到《比目魚》〉。《民俗曲藝》167 (2010.3): 221-70
Wang Shih-pe. “The Transformation of the Classics and the Invention of Playwriting: From Jingchaiji to Bimuyu.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 167 (2010.3): 221-70.

汪詩珮。〈文人傳統與女性意識的對話:《青塚前的對話》中的兩種聲音〉。《民俗曲藝》159 (2008.3): 205-47
Wang Shih-pe. “Between the Literati Tradition and the Women's Consciousness: Two Voices from The Dialogue in front of the Green Grave.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 159 (2008.3): 205-47.

汪詩珮。〈再論《張協狀元》――兼及戲文的發展與主題〉。《民俗曲藝》140 (2003.6): 47-81
Wang Shih-pe. “Re-examination of Chαng Hsieh chuαng-yüαn with Some Problems about Hsi-wen.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 140 (2003.6): 47-81.