

楊玉君。〈常民節氣觀〉。《民俗曲藝》198 (2017.12): 219-62
Yang Yujun. "Commoner’s Philosophy of Jieqi, the 24 Solar Terms." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 198 (2017.12): 219-62.


The jieqi solar terms are determined by the relative degree of angles formed between the sun and earth during a calendar year. The measuring of each term could be somewhat challenging for commoners. Therefore, general public perceive jieqi through sayings and folklore of seasonal ecological and climate changes. Although the corresponding folklore vary according to natural phenomena of respective areas, there is an underlying philosophy that remains very similar. In this study, I browse through the agricultural sayings to deduce the characters of jieqi in general public’s perception. There are fundamental differences between jieqi and festivals, although the two do overlap in terms of time and character. I contrast jieqi and festivals to show their divergence of nature and humanity. In addition, I examine the pictures of jieqi deities featured in some temples of southern Taiwan. Analysis of their images help reveal another aspect of the painter’s perception of jieqi. Finally, in daily diction, jieqi not only refers to the solar terms but also a time philosophy, coordinates between farming and climate which has been well recognized by the farmers, actual expressions and sentences regarding jieqi will be used to illustrate this philosophy of “timing.”

Also in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:

楊玉君。〈民俗畫的解讀與誤讀──以俄藏五鬼鬧判圖為例〉。《民俗曲藝》181 (2013.9): 223-64
Yang Yujun. “The Interpretation and Misinterpretation of Folk Pictures: A Case Study of the Zhong Kui Pictures Held in Russian Museums.Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 181 (2013.9): 223-64.

楊玉君。〈中秋社祭與南臺灣的社樹信仰〉。《民俗曲藝》169 (2010.9): 1-44
Yang Yu-chun. “The Mid-Autumn She Sacrifice and the She Tree Cult in Southern Taiwan.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 169 (2010.9): 1-44.