謝明良。〈陶瓷史上的金屬襯片修補術:從一件以鐵片修補的排灣族古陶壺談起〉。《民俗曲藝》196 (2017.6): 219-35。
Ming-liang. “Metal
Plate-Based Repairs in the History of Ceramics: Remark on an Ancient Paiwan
Pottery Vessel Repaired with an Iron Plate.” Journal of
Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 196 (2017.6): 219-35.
study examines an ancient Paiwan pottery vessel collected in the NTU Museum of
Anthropology. In addition to observing the metal plate-based repair on the
vessel, this study refers to similar repairs in East and West Asian regions
such as China , the Korean Peninsula ,
Japan , and Turkey . Such
repairs are used not only on ceramics but also on jade and glassware.
Accordingly, metal plate-based repairs are a method that transcends time,
region, and material. However, considering the circulation of the Paiwan
pottery vessel, the repair may be related to ceramic repair techniques in Japan .
Also in Journal of Chinese Ritual,
Theatre and Folklore:
謝明良。〈關於七星板〉。《民俗曲藝》179 (2013.3): 223-43。
Ming-liang. "On the ‘Seven-star Board.’" Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 179 (2013.3):