

謝明良。〈陶瓷史上的金屬襯片修補術:從一件以鐵片修補的排灣族古陶壺談起〉。《民俗曲藝》196 (2017.6): 219-35
Hsieh Ming-liang. “Metal Plate-Based Repairs in the History of Ceramics: Remark on an Ancient Paiwan Pottery Vessel Repaired with an Iron Plate.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 196 (2017.6): 219-35.


This study examines an ancient Paiwan pottery vessel collected in the NTU Museum of Anthropology. In addition to observing the metal plate-based repair on the vessel, this study refers to similar repairs in East and West Asian regions such as China, the Korean Peninsula, Japan, and Turkey. Such repairs are used not only on ceramics but also on jade and glassware. Accordingly, metal plate-based repairs are a method that transcends time, region, and material. However, considering the circulation of the Paiwan pottery vessel, the repair may be related to ceramic repair techniques in Japan.

Also in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore:

謝明良。〈關於七星板〉。《民俗曲藝》179 (2013.3): 223-43
Hsieh Ming-liang. "On the ‘Seven-star Board.’" Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 179 (2013.3): 223-43.