

劉堉珊。〈臺灣客家研究中的東南亞視野〉。《民俗曲藝》194 (2016.12): 155-207
Liu Yu-shan. "A General Review of the Development of Southeast Asian Hakka Studies in Taiwan." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 194 (2016.12): 155-207.



This article examines the development of Southeast Asian Hakka studies in Taiwan. Focusing on the research carried out by the Taiwan scholars, including their selection of topics and the changes of research interests, this study aims to understand the ways in which the Hakka communities in Southeast Asia are presented in Taiwan. The discussions are divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the Hakka international conferences held in Taiwan in order to understand when and how the scholars in Taiwan developed interest in the Hakka communities in Southeast Asia. In the second part, the article look through literature (including the book, book chapters, journal articles, conference papers, and dissertations) on Southeast Asian Hakka studies. By examining their approaches, methodology, and most importantly, the issues of interest, the discussion aims to represent the characteristics of Southeast Asian Hakka studies in Taiwan. It is contended that the development of Hakka ethnic identity in Taiwan has played a crucial role in forming the ways in which the researchers approach and understand the Hakka communities in Southeast Asia.