
CONTENTS OF NO. 190 (December 2015)

Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore (Min-su ch’ü-i 民俗曲藝)
No. 190, December 2015
藝術商業政治紀錄論「戲曲電影」及其對黃梅調電影的影響 (Art, Commerce, Politics, and Documentation: On the Xiqu Opera Movies and Its Influences on the Huangmeidiao Opera Movies)
越南寶山奇香教派及其傳衍――以「四恩孝義」為探討核心 (The Sect and Lineage of Buu Son Ki Huong in Vietnam: A Discussion Centered on Tu An Hieu Nghia)
善人善書善念――陳江山及其《精神錄》的版本流傳與思想探源 (Philanthropist, Morality Books, and Benevolent Thought: An Analysis of the Editions, Circulation, and Philosophical Thinking of Chen Jiangshan’s Jingshen lu)
國立中山大學「風俗物品陳列室」舊藏閩南語歌仔冊述論 (Studies on the Minnan Gezi Booklets Collection in Folklore Artifacts Exhibition Room of Sun Yat-sen University)

Research Papers 

王安祈。〈藝術商業政治紀錄論「戲曲電影」及其對黃梅調電影的影響〉。《民俗曲藝》190 (2015.12): 1-66
Wang An-chi. "Art, Commerce, Politics, and Documentation: On the Xiqu Opera Movies and Its Influences on the Huangmeidiao Opera Movies." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 190 (2015.12): 1-66.

鍾雲鶯。〈越南寶山奇香教派及其傳衍――以「四恩孝義」為探討核心〉。《民俗曲藝》190 (2015.12): 67-127
Chung Yun-ying. "The Sect and Lineage of Buu Son Ki Huong in Vietnam: A Discussion Centered on Tu An Hieu Nghia." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 190 (2015.12): 67-127.

柯榮三。〈善人善書善念――陳江山及其《精神錄》的版本流傳與思想探源〉。《民俗曲藝》190 (2015.12): 129-89
Ke Jung-san. "Philanthropist, Morality Books, and Benevolent Thought: An Analysis of the Editions, Circulation, and Philosophical Thinking of Chen Jiangshan’s Jingshen lu." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 190 (2015.12): 129-89.

Research Note

潘培忠。〈國立中山大學「風俗物品陳列室」舊藏閩南語歌仔冊述論〉。《民俗曲藝》190 (2015.12): 191-230
Pan Pei-zhong. "Studies on the Minnan Gezi Booklets Collection in Folklore Artifacts Exhibition Room of Sun Yat-sen University." Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 190 (2015.12): 191-230.