

陳緯華。〈孤魂的在地化:有應公廟與臺灣社會地緣意識之轉變〉。《民俗曲藝》183 (2014.3): 253-338
Chen Wei-hua. “The Localization of Orphan Ghosts: The Youyinggong Temples and Changes in Geo-Consciousness of Taiwan Society.” Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 183 (2014.3): 253-338.


The Youyinggong temples in Taiwan underwent two transformations from Qing dynasty to contemporary Taiwan, namely the localization and the deification of orphan ghosts. Both reflect significant social changes in society that are worthy of investigation. Based on historical documents and field investigation, I will define the first transformation from the perspective of ritual symbolism, hence confirm its existence. The characteristics of orphan ghost worship in Qing dynasty lies in its nature to “sympathize with/pacify” the orphan ghosts, while during the Japanese Colonial rule, the worship highlights the “yin responsive/wish-granting” aspect. A critical point of this transformation is that the image of the orphan ghosts in Qing dynasty demonstrates a strong intent to “go home.” That image, however, is absent in the image of orphan ghosts in Youyinggong temples built after the Japanese Colonial years. This is what I called “the localization of orphan ghosts.” I apply ritual symbolism to this phenomenon to offer a meaningful interpretation. I argue that the entire social atmosphere in the Japanese Colonial era had altered so that people no longer considered that the “others” in society still longed for returning to mainland China. This change in social and communal relationships indicates a significant transformation in geo-consciousness in Taiwan. There are also orphan ghosts worship elsewhere in other ethnic-Han immigrant societies. Their differences possibly reflect changes in particular social structure or psychology that merit comparative studies.